01 | pilot

598 21 1


    ˚ "Please Luke," Lorelai leaned over the counter, her best smile plastered on her face. "Please, please, please."

Luke looked at her, disgruntled. "How many cups have you had this morning?"

Lorelai put her hands up in defense, "None!"


"Uh, five, but yours is better."

Luke sighed, "you have a problem."

I suppressed laugh as I raise my mug from the table and beckoned Luke here. "Some more for me too, please, Luke."

Luke looked like he was about his wits end.

"You make that look really good,"

I jump, almost spilling my coffee.

"Oh, it is. Lukey makes the best coffee in town." I set my mug down to side eye the guy hovering by my table. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties.

"Yeah? I'll have to get a cup," he says with a grin. Gross.

"Good plan," Lorelai says, sitting across from me, frowning at the man.

The man's eyes widened, giving Lorelai a once over. "Yeah, I've never been here before. Just, uh, passing through on my way to Hartford."

Ah, Hartford, my favorite place.

"You're a regular Jack Kerouac!" Lorelai chuckles, laughing at her own joke.

"Hey, mind if I sit down? I'm Joey."

I clear my throat, "Actually we're waiting for my sister."

"You sister?"

"Yup, my other daughter." Lorelai says, emphasis on the daughter.

Rory approaches our table on cue, glancing from the stranger man to Lorelai to me. I give her a cheesy smile.

"Are you my new daddy?" she says, sitting down beside me.

Joey looks thrown off. "Wow. You do not look old enough to have a daughter. No, I mean it. And you do not look like a daughter."

I smiled politely, choosing to take that as a compliment, "That's possibly very sweet of you."

"So. . .daughters," his eyes dart from me to Lorelai to Rory, "You know, I am traveling with a friend."

Lorelai gives him a wicked smile, "She's sixteen."

"Bye," Joey stands up abruptly from the table

"Drive safe!"


"For those of you who have not finished the final chapters of Huckleberry Finn you may use this time to do so. For those of you who have, you can start on your essay now. Whichever task you choose, do it silently."

I lean back in my seat, glancing over to Rory who was already halfway done with her essay. Wow.

Honestly, did it really matter? We were going to Chilton in a week.We'd be doing more than Huckleberry Finn. I turned to the girls behind me and motioned for them to pass the bottle of red polish to me and spent the rest of English painting my nails.

After the bell rang, Rory and I went to clear our lockers.

"Don't look now but there's a boy." I whisper, holding my box of books. "Staring."

"Are you sure he's not staring at you?"

I move to the left a bit. "Uh, I don't think so?"

"What does he look like?" Rory whispers hurriedly.

robbers - gilmore girlsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang