03 | kill me now

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˚ As per every Friday evening, the Gilmores were gathered at Emily's residence in Hartford for dinner. 

The tensions were high, and both Lorelais looked as if they'd rather sell their organs than spend another moment in this household.

"The dinner was lovely, Emily," Richard said, looking to his wife.

"Mira does make a lovely cassoulet," Emily agreed.

I looked up from my plate, "Who's Mira?"

 "I thought the cook was Heidi," Rory said.

 "Oh, no, we let Heidi go months ago. She had a problem closing things -- the door, the refrigerator,"

"The liquor bottle," I scoffed. Rory would know if she'd payed attention last dinner. Clearly she did not, and had no intent to. "Then it was Trina, then Sophia."

"I liked Sophia," Richard mused, recounting the French blonde.

"You did not," Emily rolled her eyes. Richard frowned in confusion.

I laughed, "She was the one who sang!"

Richard's eyes widened and he shook his head. "You're right. That terrible woman."

"She was funny though," I smiled. "She helped me with my French."

A short woman with a dirty apron walked in, bearing cake.

Rory immediately smiled and took it from her, "The dinner was wonderful, Mira!" 

Perhaps now she knew why Tristan was set on calling her Mary. She was one- through and through. 

"It's Sarah," the cook deadpanned.

I was shaking silently with laughter as Rory's face turned pink. All those etiquette lessons on it's not very polite to laugh at people was starting to pay off. 

Lorelai, on the other hand, seemed to need to take one of those classes because she was guffawing loudly at her daughter, earning a glare from Emily. 

"Mom! Her name is Sarah!" she said between giggles. 

Emily shrugged, "I thought she said Mira."

That was how I aspired to live- rich and unbothered. and beautiful, of course.

"Now, girls, how's Chilton?" Richard said, looking to me.

"Fine," I said. "I like being with Paris and the girls."

"And the Dugray boy?" Richard raised an eyebrow. 


Rory rolled her eyes from across the table. "Not really."

'What was that?" I stared at her.

"Nothing. I said nothing."

So she could badmouth my friends in front of me, but she didn't have the balls to own it. If anyone was to shit talk Tristan Dugray, that person would be me. And I'd do it to his face.

Lorelai cleared her throat loudly, "Uh, Rory has to pick a team sport to play."

"It's a requirement," Rory groans.

 Richard fiddled with his reading glasses, "Physical fitness is as important as intellectual fitness."

" So says Plato and so say I," I nodded. I liked sports. Much more than staying in a classroom all day, plus I was fairly good at it.

"You could do tennis with Coraline," Emily suggested, to which Rory shook her head aggresively. 

Ouch, okay. You could at least pretend to like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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