02 | coraline's first day at chilton

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˚ My alarm rang at 5 AM and I reluctantly rolled out of bed.

I took a cold shower because apparently it helped you to release endorphins, then I applied sunscreen and I spent sometime in front of the mirror curling my lashes, applying mascara and doing my eyebrows. Then I applied some blush and lip gloss and took my hair out of it's braids and sprayed it with some hair product.

I put on my uniform, which had been tailored professionally a few weeks earlier and put my binder in my bag. Paris had kindly sent my notes a month in advance so I wouldn't be too behind.

Emily, who was dressed to the nines, already had a tumbler of coffee for me on the counter and a croissant.

"Oh, I love you so much Grandma!" I gave her a kiss and took a bite of the french pastry.

She smiled. "You look pretty."

"Thank you. I love being a private school girl!" I spin around in my converse. As much as I loved the private school aesthetic, my feet would probably drop off if I wore loafers the whole day, so I had my black converse instead.

"Of course, you were made to be one," Emily says, handing me my gym bag. "I talked to Harrison -that's the grandfather of the captain of the tennis team, his name is Tristan- and he said you're welcome to go train with them starting today, and there's space on the varsity team."

"That's nice, but I could have gotten in myself. And I literally know Tristan"

"I know, Coraline, but it doesn't hurt to have a good word put in."

"That's not false," I shrug.

"Yes, now, come on we're going to be late."

We got into a black mercedes where Emily's driver drove us to Chilton, which was merely ten minutes away. It was a beautiful school, with statues and buildings and great amenities.

Emily pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket. "Now, where's the Ambroise building?"

"Paris said it was in the building with a lot of gargoyles. She said to go down the stairs and make a left," I spun around, trying to locate the building. "Hang on, she drew a map for me."

Eventually, we found the Headmaster's office. As expected it was large and grand.

"Ah! Ms James" Emily smiled politely, greeting the secretary. 

"Mrs Gilmore," the secretary nodded.

Emily slid  an arm around me and I waved. "Hello, I'm Coraline Hayden. I'm starting at Chilton today."

"Hello, Ms Haydens." she stood up. "One moment."

"Alright, Headmaster Charleston will see you now. Good luck," Ms James said, handing me a manila folder with school brochures, my timetable and other administrative things.

"Thank you. Have a nice day!"

I stepped into Headmaster Charleston's office, feeling a bit nervous. It had been awhile since she'd last seen him. 


The headmaster stood up from behind his big wooden desk. "Emily!" he embraced her. "Coraline," he shook her hand. "How have you found Chilton?"

"Beautiful and welcoming as always," I smiled, taking a seat on the sofa beside Emily. 

"Right, well, you look fantastic in our school uniform. You might have to be the new model for this year's school magazine," Headmaster Charleston chuckled.

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