One Great Big Tragedy

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James and Reggie had their moment. A secret relationship; late nights in the astronomy tower, stolen kisses in a secluded corner of the library. But they were never able to go public, always afraid of what others would think. What Sirius would think. Because how could James betray his best friend like that? He couldn't.

James and Reggie were in love. But in their 7th year, Reggie shows up at James' door. "I did something," he says. When James sees that mark on his lover's forearm he knows it's over. He knew it the moment he fell for Regulus. James goes back to their first kiss. His immediate thought was 'This is going to be the death of me'. He was right.

With tears in his eyes, James watches his first and only love walk away. He knows he made the right decision but how will he ever survive without him?

Months go by and an auburn-haired girl begins to spend more and more time around James. They fall for each other. They get married and raise a beautiful young boy with the untamed hair of his father and the bright emerald eyes of his mother. The young boy has another trait too, the quiet artistry of a man James is oh so familiar with. Though James has the perfect wife, he can't help but see this man in everything. He sees him in the poetry in bookstores, in his son's paintings hung on the refrigerator, and most of all in the night sky. Regulus is everywhere. No matter how hard James tries, he cannot forget him. He can't forget the late nights in the astronomy tower nor the stolen kisses in that secluded corner of the library. James' heart is taken, and it will never return. For it died alongside his star.

His star who drowned ten years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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