The Distance.

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"One last stop and I'm home again." Tony promised over the phone, sounding regretful. He wished that he hadn't had to go to the conference but he had promised to go months ago. "I hear you crying and I know that you miss me. It won't be long." He added, hoping that she would stop crying.

It was always hard when he had to leave. All of his lovers got sad and mopey. Once he returned, they would be clingy and needy like kittens. And he wouldn't tell them but he enjoyed it. Tony enjoyed how much they needed and wanted him just for him. Not his money or his fame. Just Tony for Tony.

"I miss you." His girlfriend (and he wished there was a better name than that for her) sounded very quiet and forlorn. She could teleport to him but that would leave the two Soldiers alone and that would be even worse. "Wish we could have come with."

"I know but we need to finish setting the house up, Honey." Tony soothed, speeding his car up a bit more. He was nearly to his Air Strip and then he would be flying out to the last conference location. "I'll be home the day after tomorrow and then you can remind me how much you miss me, Sweetheart."

"I'm gonna hold you to that and so will the other two." Kayla grumbled, sounding more sulky than sad which was a win in Tony's book. It meant she probably was done crying.

"I expect you to. You three keep me honest." Tony chuckled a bit. He knew they all missed him, having talked to both soldiers earlier. "Don't forget that you have to show me how you set up our new bedroom, Honey. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Good. It's nearly done." Kayla grumbled a bit more but then sighed. "I love you, Tony."

"I love you too. And just so you know, the distance is what's killing me." Tony hung up after their goodbyes and cleared his throat a bit. He hated having to hang up but he had arrived at the Air Strip.

Back at home, Steve had found the sad woman and was cradling her close. "Talked to Tony?" He guessed.

"I miss him." Her voice had a wistful note as she imagined him getting home early. "I wish he was home."

"Me too, Sweetheart." Steve agreed and kissed the top of her head. "Bucky finished putting up the shelves in the bedroom. He's really proud of himself."

"Let's go see." Kayla agreed after a moment, leaning into Steve and taking in his quiet strength. Her boys were all so perfect to her and she loved them so much.

Steve simply lifted Kayla up into his arms and carried her up the stairs, looking pleased at her startled cursing. "What? I'm making life easier, Sugar."

"You are a menace." Kayla grumbled at Steve but snuggled into his chest. They had been in the new house for a little over a month and had been working on repairs and renovations.

"Will you two hurry up?" Bucky demanded from the doorway at the end of the hall that led to the stairs to the attic. They had completely redone the attic as their main project, turning it into their bedroom and had been doing the finishing touches while Tony was gone. Bucky had been installing shelves on the wall for some of their knickknacks that had been saved by Howard and put into storage.

"We're coming. Hold your horses." Steve walked even slower now to mess with Bucky. He had no regrets when his actions earned an impatient sigh. He did yelp when his pec was bitten through his shirt. "Ouch, you little monster!"

"Quit being mean to Bucky." Kayla snorted and squirmed free from Steve's arms. She ran the short distance to Bucky and grinned at him as he opened his arms for her.

"I see how I rank." Steve stuck his tongue out childishly. He was so relaxed and happy that he let a soft side show. He did walk faster though, catching up to them on the stairs to the attic. "It looks good, Buck."

"Thanks." Bucky sounded pleased, ducking his head a bit. He still got a bit shy when someone complimented him. He probably always would. The shaggy haired man looked at their girlfriend, waiting for her response and he looked alarmed when she started crying. "What's wrong? You don't like it? I can fix it!"

"It's perfect." She sniffled, kissing Bucky hard on the lips. "Thank you. It looks just like I imagined." Her boys had built all the furniture in the room and had painted the whole room also.

"Jeez, Doll. You scared me." Bucky relaxed as he realized she was just happy in the room. He kissed her softly though, holding her close as Steve approached and bracketed her from the other side. "I think Tony will like it too. That bed is huge."

"He's in love with pleasure. And spoiling us." Steve reminded them with a laugh. Tony always wanted to spoil them. "I like the curtains, Sugar. You did a great job making them. Much better than anything store bought."

The two men enjoyed the way their lover seemed to preen at the compliments and praise. She always blushed a bit but seemed so happy every time. The woman shimmied out of the shirt and shorts she was wearing before flopping on the bed with a moan.

"It's so soft and cozy." She moaned happily, snuggling into the plush bedding. She always enjoyed soft things and knew her boys did too. Sometimes Steve or Bucky had a hard time with comfortable stuff and would sleep on the floor but those times had become far and in-between.

"Oh fuck." Bucky made an agreeing noise after also stripping and laying with her. He gave Steve a dirty look. "Well, hurry up and get in bed. Try it out with us."

"Bossy." Steve spoke affectionately and stripped down. He put their clothes into a hamper and crawled on the bed. "It is very nice. I like it."

"We should take a nap... To test it to make sure it's comfortable enough before Tony gets home." Kayla had a shifty look. She liked to nap with her boys and made no secret of that fact.

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