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"You put your arms around me and I'm home." Kayla sang softly, folding clothes to put away. She was waiting for Tony to wake up, the genius sleeping soundly in their bed. They had returned from their weekend at night and Tony was still sleeping nine hours later. The other two men had gone out for a forest run.

Tony mumbled softly, rolling on his side and reaching for someone. He whined and his eyes opened as he realized he was the only one in the bed. He relaxed once he realized she was just sitting on the floor and folding clothes on a little table they had in their bedroom. "Why're you over there?"

"Because I'm folding laundry." Kayla chuckled, looking at Tony and then stood up. She moved to sit next to him on the bed and kissed his lips. "Did you sleep well, Tony?"

"Always do with you." Tony rolled and laid his head in her lap. He was bright eyed and relaxed, body loose limbed. He looked much happier than he had before their weekend together.

"I love you. Steve and James will be back soon." Kayla hummed, stroking Tony's hair.

"Good. We can talk about going to Greece." Tony yawned and then rolled to press his face to her stomach. He hummed under his breath as she slid her hand to the back of his neck and squeezed. "I love you too."

"Yes we can." Kayla nodded and stroked the side of his neck with her thumb. "You're so gorgeous, Tony." She had a sappy tone.

"Thanks." Tony turned his head slightly to look up at her. The expression on her face sent a shiver of warmth blooming through his body.

"Awake now?" Bucky poked his head in and then came into the bedroom. He was in his underwear, having showered downstairs and grabbed clean boxers from the laundry room.

"Yes he is." Kayla held a hand out to Bucky. She sighed happily as he sat next to Tony.

Bucky leaned down and kissed Tony's lips, grinning. "Missed you, Doll. Missed you, Sweetheart." He sat up and kissed Kayla next.

"I missed you too." Tony sat up and snuggled between two of his partners. He had a slightly dopey expression as he grinned at them.

"Buck! You didn't wait." Steve sounded playfully scandalized. "How rude."

"What can I say? These two are cuter than you." Bucky teased, holding a hand out to Steve. He looked at the blond with a grin on his face.

"Ouch, Buck. That's hurtful." Steve sulked and sat next to Kayla instead. He kissed the top of her head and put his arm around her.

"You two are Drama Queens." Tony laughed and kissed Bucky. "But you're cute."

"I try." Steve leaned over to kiss Tony's cheek. "Love you all."

"Love you too, Sweetheart." Kayla looked amused at her men goofing around.

"So what did we need to talk about?" Bucky knew that Tony and Kayla wanted to discuss something with them.

"I would like to take all four of us to Greece. I have a private Island there." Tony looked at the other three. "Kayla and I thought it would be a good group vacation."

"It will be hard for me to be there. Because I haven't gone to Modern Greece in years. Things have changed there from what it used to be." Kayla added softly, looking unusually serious. She actually tended to avoid Modern Greece. "But I really do want to go. I believe it will be fun."

"Alright. When do you want to go?" Bucky was fine with it. The security of the private island made him feel better about going out of their home.

"I was thinking maybe December." Tony knew that was the winter time there. "It shouldn't be as crowded on mainland."

"Sounds wonderful." Kayla smiled at Tony's thoughtfulness. She turned to Steve and waited for his thoughts.

"We would need to decide how long we would stay." Steve spoke slowly, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb on Kayla's arm. "And who would check on the house. And the chickens that you think I don't know about."

"I told you he'd find out." Bucky snickered as he looked at Kayla who was grinning unrepentantly. She had had Bucky build a coop with all kinds of stuff for them.

"Wait what chickens?! We have chickens??" Tony had absolutely no clue that they had chickens. He looked so confused and lost.

"Yes, darling. We do." Kayla beamed. She absolutely adored her chickens and they loved her. "That's where I got the feathers for the pillows."

"I was wondering why we had new pillows." Tony rather liked the new pillows. They were comfy.

"Anyways." Steve cut off the chicken discussion, eyes sparkling with amusement. "We would need someone to take care of the chickens."

"Bruce has been wanting to come stay. We could offer him the house for some solitude in exchange for taking care of the chickens." Tony had spoken to Bruce the other day.

"Sounds like a good plan." Bucky's lips were curved into a lazy smile as he kissed behind Tony's ear. "Love your big brain and fast mind, Doll."

"Okay." Tony was blushing a bit. Bucky always made him flustered when he said things like that. "So hopefully he says yes."

"He probably will." Steve nodded and kissed Kayla on the lips. "It will be a fun trip, A Stóirín."

They all had a moment of happiness as Kayla blushed with pleasure at the new nickname. It was adorable and Steve was pleased with himself for causing it.

"Who wants breakfast?" Bucky was hungry and he wanted to cook breakfast for the other three. He waited until he got confirmation and then rolled off the bed, dragging Tony with him. "C'mon, gorgeous."

"Alright alright." Tony laughed as he was carried over Bucky's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He had a mischievous look though and he grinned at the other two as he was hauled down the stairs.

There was a muffled yelp once they reached the bottom of the stairs and the sound of Tony laughing loudly. Clearly the genius had done something naughty.

"I'm fairly certain he bit Bucky's ass." Kayla snickered as she exchanged a look with Steve. She moved to sit in his lap, snuggling close.

"I would believe it. He's done it to me and so have you." Steve squeezed her close. "Brats."

"Yeah but we're yours and Bucky's brats." Kayla chirped happily and kissed Steve. Her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck, the pair kissing until Bucky came to find them half an hour later.

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