💕Really el?💍

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(Different pov)[el]

I look out the window blocking out all the noise. Max starts arguing with Lucas. I get pushed and I hear Robin to start yelling.  We Were already at the hill . Steve's car parked and the window rolled down.  Steve motioned robin to come .

"Stop arguing or I'm taking you back!" Yelled robin. It was silent. Erica and Lucas started talking about an event-I don't even know some of the words in it but they mentioned their mother.

Max turns to look at me. I look at her and smile. She smiles. "Sorry about earlier-I didn't mean too" Max's says Stuttering. "I just was nervous and you looked. So pretty that-" Max covers her face with her hand and looked away. I giggled. "It's okay I enjoyed it-You looked pretty too" I say smiling. I lean on Max's shoulder and look up at her. Taking a breathe of air was really good after getting the truth out if I didn't I might as well be back at the lab with all of the trauma. Robin signals me to get out and I shove the door open with my mind getting off Max's chest. "No slamming doors!?!" Screams Steve and Robin. Max is behind me and we both giggle. "Badass" says Max holding my hand.

It felt strange holding a girls hand..But in a good way. We make it to an island hill and we are getting ready to leave for the boat trip. One by one everyone gets called. Then what was left was us. The party. Their goes Lucas! Oh and Dustin. They were moving too fast. Left was me and Max. Max smirks and whispers "if you don't get on I love you" she says red taking over her face.

"Wait what do you mean.." I say confused. We was holding hands so close together. "Really el um...I can't-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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