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"Trip time! Trip time!" Kanae sang packing her bags. It was snowy in Tokyo today, but the Morinozuka family was up and packing! "Takashi came walking calmly out of the kitchen with a 3 month old baby carrier on his chest. In the baby carrier was a little baby girl who was drifting of to sleep as her parents spoke.

"Hello Yuki!" Kanae said squeezing the baby's feet.

Yukiko lifted her head hearing her name and then returned to resting her head.

"I'd be tired too if all I did was cry all night." Kanae giggled. Mori nodded in agreement.

The family placed their luggage in the limo and began their way to the airport. Just as they were about to board, Yukiko let out a whine. People began looking annoyed already.

"Quiet down Yuki..." Kanae whispered trying to find the plane tickets in her purse.

Yukiko sniffed a little and whined again.

"Yukiko."Takashi put his hand on her head and pet her gently. She settled down a little more hearing her father's voice. After a few more pets she was back to sleep . Kanae happily handed the tickets to the American flight attendant.

"Enjoy your flight" she said happily.

As Kanae and Mori began going back to their seat Kanae noticed a few empty seats in front of them. This was of course just fine but something felt...off. As Mori sat down Kanae helped him unstrap the baby carrier. She always found it funny how a very quiet 6'4 giant walked around with a baby strapped to his chest.

She pulled the very fat baby into her lap and closed her eyes. This was not how she expected her life to go. In fact she didn't even think she wanted kids, but...that had all changed thanks to...


"I'm coming Tamaki! I'm right behind you!"

Kanae and Mori both glanced at each other with wide eyes. They turned to see the Suoh family shuffling quickly into the seats in front of them. Haruhi was carrying a chubby blonde baby while Tamaki was carrying a baby with brown hair.
Mori stayed silent and leaned over to Kanae. He began whispering into her ear. Kanae giggled and Tamaki turned, Kanae froze as Tamaki's grin widened.
"Oh if it isn't our favorite Mori-senpai and his wife."
"Actually Tamaki we aren't married yet."
Tamaki froze and glared at Takashi. " Not married?! WHY ARENT YOU MARRIED?!"

Mori shrugged and pet Yukiko gently. Haruhi turned and smiled
"Your daughter is beautiful senpai."
"Thank you." the parents said in unison
" What's your name princess?" Tamaki asked touching Yukiko's cheek.
"Her name is Yukiko." Kanae said smiling.
"She's beautiful indeed. Just like her mother."
Kanae blushed brightly and laughed " Thank you Tamaki. Your sons are cute like you and Haruhi."
Of course the rest of the plane trip was nothing but talk about being a parent and reasons they were going to America.

As they exited the plane and then the airport they began saying their goodbyes.

"I'll come visit you Haruhi." Kanae called out as the walked their seperate ways.
"Please do!" Haruhi shouted back waving.
Takashi put Yukiko in the carseat and sat down next to Kanae.
She noticed how angry he looked so she began to cuddle his arm.
Takashi pulled his arm away and sighed looking out of the window.
"Not now" he said in his old monotone voice.

Kanae stared up at him, mentally cursing at him. She couldn't stand when he began acting this way.

Yukiko's P.O.V
I was being carried through a room I'd never been in before. There was a lot of light and people I didn't know.
Do i like this place?
Im not sure. Mommie is holding me so I guess it's ok...but where are we?
I look around...this place is actually very scary...right?
Ask mom?
I attempt to converse with my mother to no avail. Does she not understand? Well theres only one way to get her attention.
More like scream at the top of my lungs! This lack of communication ability is bothersome!
Father comes dashing over as my mother looks for bottles and pacifiers to be able to console me. I flail my arms.
Where are we?! 
I push the bottle away and feel my father lift me.I'm flying again and then I see Father's angry face.
I know crying doesn't work with him.
He cradles me and returns to another area. He puts a pacifier in my mouth...not food...but its comforting. I look around. The lady behind the object ahead of me is turning red. I look at her staring at Father.
Father begins conversing again and she blinks  and stares back at her big black block. She starts pressing buttons and hands Father a rectangle.
I look back to Mom. She is sitting quietly but not happy.
I don't like to see that.

Kanae's P.O.V

What the hell is wrong with you Morinozuka Takashi! I watch him hand me the key card to open the door. He keeps Yukiko balanced in his arm. I glare at him and he glares back.
We go up to our room and Takashi puts Yukiko on the bed. A man would be up with her crib,as soon as one was available. She rocked around a bit and stared around. 
I sat down on the bed next to Yukiko, knowing that if i picked her up from her fun she would cry. I watched  my husband move around the room.
Takashi took me by the hand and kissed it. I recoiled and  gave him a flash of disgust.
" Stop."
She pulled away? I kissed her hands daily. It was our thing. I kissed her hands,she'd giggle. It was our thing. She  stared at me with her big bright eyes. She's not happy with me. I sigh and back away from her.
This was going to a long week.

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