Chapter 4. Mine

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Please don't kill me for leaving again. I plan to provide another chapter as an apology

I hope you enjoy 


Kanae's P.O.V

In the end I couldn't do it. I couldn't return to the hotel room...I couldn't bare the silence anymore. I went straight home. It wasn't until after I'd gotten off the plane and put Yukiko in her crib that I called Takashi. 

"Where are you? I've been looking around for hours!" 

" I'm home." 

There was silence. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I took a plane back home. I just didn't want to go back to the hotel room."

"We could've..." 

" I didn't want to go you." 

There was silence again. This time it was cold and sharp and stabbed my throat. Tears welled up in my eyes as I rubbed my eyes. 

"I'm here with Yuki for now but...I'm packing up my stuff tonight." I said between heavy breaths. 

He sighed heavily "Kanae can we please...just." 

I hung up the phone quickly and screamed into my pillow. I didn't think I'd actually do it but now that it's done....I can't say I feel any better....I just broke up my family. 

Takashi P.O.V 

Was it something I said? What did I do? I took a slow sip of some of the wine I'd had the hotel staff bring up. I ran my hand through my hair as I pulled the little box from my coat pocket and opened it. I set it down on the table and poured myself more wine. 

"Life takes you on crazy twists and turns." I said to the ring. " You know...I never wanted kids.I just wanted it to be Kanae and I." I took another long sip. 

"But sometimes your actions have consequences...and Yukiko is the best consequence that ever happened to me." I said gulping down more wine. 

"I left Kanae alone for many nights...I never expected her to forgive me.But I planned this trip..I thought it'd make things better but it's all went to s**t. I think I'm out of luck." 

I threw the engagement ring across the room, lied down in the bed and fell asleep, in hopes that I'd forget today and I'd wake up and it would've all been a nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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