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Kenny ran out to the bus stop with Butters. There was Cartman, Kyle, and Stan standing there waiting for the bus. "Oh good, we're not late thankfully." Kenny said, wiping his forehead. "Ew, what are you gaybos doing together?" Cartman said with a disgusted face, poking his tongue out. "Shut up fatass." Kyle scoffed. "W-Well um hey fellas!" Butters uttered out. But as soon as he said that the bus showed up and opened the doors for the 5 boys. Kenny held butters hand firmly, walking onto the bus finding a seat for both him and his buttercup to sit at. They found 2 free seats at the back. They sat down, their hands still connected. After a few minutes, kenny removed his hand from butters soft hand. Kenny moved his hand to butters thigh, butters jumped up and blushed, looking at kenny, with a "No. Not here" look. Kenny didn't listen and caressed his thigh. He wasn't doing much harm was he? He didn't plan to do anything more. He just wanted to see butters blush even by the slightest touch. Though Kennys fun had to certainly end due to the bus stopping at their high school. Kenny removed his hand and continued to hold Butters hand. 

They got up and started to walk off the bus. All of them sighed due to the sight of the high school, none of them liked being there but luckily this was their last year and were almost free from their "prison". Butters kept holding Kenny's hand as they walked into the school. Kids running everywhere, the school was quite a mess really. But they only enjoyed it due to their friends who made it more fun to be there, though not as fun as being at home and playing, well whatever. "What's going on over there?" Kenny pointed out as they started walking towards Tolkien. "Oh hey guys! Since we don't have school tomorrow I was gonna throw a party at my house, also because my parents are gonna be out for a few days so might as well make it worth while." Tolkien said with a wide smile on his face. "There's even gonna be alcohol so things will get spicy or whatever!" Tolkien added on. "Do you wanna go buttercup?" Kenny said, turning to butters. "I could get grounded though.." Butters put his head down. "Don't worry just say you're gonna have a sleepover at Tolkiens house. Im sure they'll let you go." Kenny cupped butters face,  moving his face closer to his. "Mm..well okay, I-I think that'll" Butters was caught off guard by the action of Kenny, though he didn't let it get to him much. "Oh and it's at 6:30 PM if you wanna come! I'll see you guys there if you are coming. Though you should! Im pretty sure everyone..well not everyone, but people we know will be there." Tolkien said as he waved and walked away. "You guys gonna go?" Kyle asked everyone. "Because I sure am, well only if you guys wouldn't be much fun without you guys." Kyle added on, scratching the back of his head. "Of course im going man! We haven't had a party in a while, plus Tolkiens parties are always the best, no way im ever missing one." Stan blurred out. "Yeah same, no way im ever missing one!" Cartman followed. "Well me and butters are going too." Kenny said, holding onto Butters. "I'm pretty sure he didn't invite Butters." Cartman rolled his eyes. "O-Oh but I thought he did..." Butters burried his face into kenny's chest. "No no, don't worry buttercup he did invite you, Cartman is just messing with you." Kenny glared at cartman, frowning. "Ew, stop being so gay butters!" Cartman stuck his tongue out. "Shut up fatass." Kenny started to walk away, holding onto butters. Kyle and Stan were already gone so Cartman was all alone. "Ugh..everyone and their stupid couple things." Cartman said, walking to his locker. 

It was class time. Everyone got their stuff and headed to class, Butters and Kenny sat right next together. No one really knew about they relationship except Cartman, Kyle, Stan and of course their other friends. The teacher was just blabbering about math and all that jazz when a girl next to butters passed a note to him. Kenny trying to pay attention to the teacher didn't really notice. Butters noticed the note a few seconds later. He opened it up, the note saying: "Hey Butters, I have liked you for quite a while...I was wondering if we could go out sometime? - Marissa" Marissa was quite a nobody in our class, no one really knew her. But once butters finished reading the note Kenny noticed and snatched the note. "K-Kenny!" Butters said, whispering. Kenny opened it and started reading it. "Marissa? The nobody girl? *Hmph* Your mine Buttercup, and only mine, nobody else's." Kenny crossed his arms, whispering as well. "I know Ken don't worry...i'll just decline." Butters took back the note and tried to write a response, obviously he tried to do it in the nicest way possible and gave back the note to Marissa. Who didn't take the rejection well. The bell rang and the girl hurried up and got her stuff and quickly walked out of there. "You rejected her right?" Kenny said, holding onto butters hand. "Yes I did Ken, you know I would!" Butters smiled. "hhrgg..I guess. Anywho...c'mon, you know I can't go that long without kissing you." Kenny dragged Butters into the bathroom.


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