Chapter 10

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*Harry's P.O.V*

I hear Marie's footsteps running up the stairs. All she said was that she was going to wait in her room until the food was ready. She wasn't going to try to escape, right?

I want to trust her. I really do. It would make everything so much easier for the boys and I. Kidnapping someone seems much like babysitting them. You have to constantly watch their every move. Speaking of watching them...

"I'll be right back," I tell Liam, and he just nods in reply.

I made my way over to the control room. Inside were all our weapons, and cameras. If Marie were to ever see what's inside this room, I'm almost positive she would freak out. That's exactly why I forbid her to ever come in here.

I sat down in a chair, and watched the camera in Marie's room. She wasn't in there. Where could she be?

I started to get nervous, until she walked out of the closet. We didn't put a camera in her closet for privacy reasons, but I now regret not doing so. What if we think she's in her closet, but she's really just escaped?

I could see Marie had already explored her closet. She changed into a sports bra, and workout shorts. I'll have to say, she was quite fit.

I felt like I was violating her personal space. You know...when you watch people when they don't think they're being watched? Yet, I loved this feeling. It was sneaky and insidious. Perhaps that's why I liked it so much.

She sat on the floor and stretched for a little bit. Then she got into position and started doing push-ups. She did about 30, before stopping and scowling at herself. She was talking to herself, but I could hardly hear what she was saying.

"Dammit Marie. You can do better than that. Just like old times. Push yourself," she whispered harshly to herself.

She then proceeded to begin to do even more push-ups at an incredibly faster rate. I lost track after a few minutes, and was just memorized by the way her body moved up and down.

She went on doing push-ups until she finally breathed, "200."

Had she really done that many? It surely hadn't been that long. Maybe it hadn't taken that long. Maybe she was just moving really fast.

She stood up, looking a bit sweaty. She still looked sexy. I'm allowed to think that, right? What's wrong with stating the obvious?

She walked over to her mirror, and flexed her muscles. Her biceps were decent sized, and larger than they regularly would appear on a petite girl like her. She scowled to herself in the mirror, clearly unsatisfied. Why?

She returned to her spot on the ground, but started doing sit-ups instead. Again, she moved at a rapid pace. Why did she want to workout so much? She was already super skinny.

"Dinner's ready!" Liam called, his voice echoing throughout the house.

I watched as Marie frowned, and stood up. She looked down at her clothes, or lack of rather, shrugged, and left her room.

I jumped out of my seat, and rushed into the kitchen, so Marie wouldn't know I was in that room.

I sat down at the table, next to Liam, who had already set the table.

When she finally reached the table, she smiled at the food, and then smiled at Liam and I, and took a seat next to me.

The boys rushed into the kitchen, and took their seats as well. Niall was the first one to dig in. Typical Niall.

Everyone else took their share of chicken nuggets, and began eating in silence.

None of the boys, including myself, made an attempt to hide the fact that we were checking her out, causing Marie to occasionally blush. Being in only a sports bra and shorts was a good start, but I couldn't wait to see her in a bathing suit, or even better yet...naked.

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