Chapter 19

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*Louis's P.O.V*

Water was dripping off every inch of my body. I was so intent on leaving the house so quickly, that bathing suits and towels totally slipped my mind.

Now as I was trudging through the air conditioned house, I regretted my foolish decision. I could literally hear the rest of the boys teeth chattering from the cold.

Thankfully, Liam had laid 4 towels in a neat stack on the coffee table. He was always the nicest of us 5 boys. I just hope that he wasn't TOO nice when it came to locking Marie up in her room.

Speaking of Marie, I believe I had to do something with her...

*Marie's P.O.V*

I didn't know what to do with myself. I sat on my bed impatiently, examining my ankle. I knew one of the boys would come into my room. I just had this hunch, and my hunches were almost never wrong.

My vision peeled off of my bandage, and to my turning doorknob. In walked Louis, a towel tied loosely around his waist.

"Hello," he said, in a tone I couldn't quite identify. He didn't sound angry, yet he didn't sound pleased.

"Hi," I said, questioning his presence in front of me.

Why was he in here? Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I wouldn't be left alone in peace, but I would be happier away from him.

"Stand up," he ordered.

I stood up, arcing my eyebrow. What was he planning on doing? I hobbled a few feet away from my bed, and then looked back up at Louis. He stared at me, a smirk playing on the corners of his lips.

"Alright..." He spoke, coming closer to me. "Why would you want to die?"

"I would want to die, because I don't like you," I shrugged.

"You don't just die because you don't like someone! Be bait already! It's not THAT hard..." He almost pleaded.

Foolish, foolish boy. What doesn't he get? I thought I made myself loud and clear when I said I'm not being bait.

I noticed he was walking closer towards me. Every time he would take a step near me, I would take a step back from him. I suddenly felt myself bump into the wall behind me. He smirked, knowing I was cornered.

"Listen Marie, I don't want to kill you. Surprising, I know, but you're much too valuable at this point. Think of how much of a distraction you could be! You could help us in so many ways! You could be rewarded if you're successful. Did you know that?" Louis asked, playfully.

Was he joking? Was he luring me in for no reason? Was he waiting to snap the trap shut?

"Depends. Will you let me go?" I playfully asked back.

His eyebrows furrowed for only half a second, before a smile returned to his face.

"Sure...eventually,"he answered.

Did he think I was an idiot? Did he think I didn't see the way his eyebrows moved, and his hesitance before saying 'eventually.'

"And when's eventually Louis?" I frowned.

"Eventually is eventually. I don't have it all planned out in my head yet. I will EVENTUALLY though," he raised his eyebrows, a sign wondering if I got the hint or not.

I think he was trying to come off as clever, but to me, he just seemed pretty stupid.

"Not good enough. Now do you prefer to stab me or are you into the gun type thing?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, hoping he'd get MY hint.

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