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  The old eunuch cleared his throat, and read in a cadenced manner according to the emperor's instructions:

  "This hunting is divided into encirclement, invite encirclement, watch encirclement and stop encirclement according to the usual practice. Walk encirclement is divided into galloping hunt." , Gathering, chasing and intercepting, all princes and military generals can participate...the rules are as follows."

  What the eunuch read was very clear to everyone present. Ministers and hunters sent from all over the country galloped in the paddock, showing their skills.

  Hunting is also the main activity in the first five days. The emperor requires generals and shooters to be able to hunt a cart full of prey, while the princes must fill their tents, but the time will be extended for three days.

  Gathering and annihilating means enclosing on all sides; chasing and chasing means first pressing the herd of beasts from one end to the other, and then letting go of an opening.

  Interception is the opposite of chasing and killing, that is, encircling on three sides, soldiers rushing from one end, and setting up some elite soldiers to intercept and shoot.

  It can be seen that the so-called autumn rhinoceros hunting is actually a huge military exercise, from which we can see which prince is the best at leading troops to fight, he is an all-rounder capable of both civil and military skills!

  During the hunting period, there will also be competitions in archery and horse riding, which did not happen in previous years. Everyone knows that the emperor intends to test the princes.

  Although there were as many as fourteen princes participating in the competition, the youngest ones were all six or seven-year-old children. The prince Yaokang, and the ninth prince Huang Ye.

  The veteran officials headed by Zhao Guowei and Li Duo all looked at the five princes with evil intentions. What they gambled on was not only the glory and wealth, but the career of the family depended on whether the prince they supported could become the prince.

  The old eunuch suddenly paused after reading, and then shouted loudly, "The prince who ranked first in both Qiuji and martial arts competitions, is now the crown prince of the Great Yan Kingdom, hereby!"

     "What?! This is too much!?"

  Except for Zhao Guowei who knew a thing or two in advance, the prince and other ministers were shocked!

  I thought that the emperor would go back to the imperial city to make a decision after the autumn rhinoceros was finished, but I didn't expect that once the hunt was over, the position of the crown prince would be decided?

  "Hurry up? Dayan should have had a prince long ago." Zhao Guowei said dissatisfied.   

     "But you can appoint the crown prince just by hunting, isn't that too hasty?"

  " This matter is very good, don't let people think that I use the big to bully the small, and it is very fair to distinguish the superior and the inferior in the rhesus hunting ground." Chunyu Yaozhong is thirty-six years old, and he is in the prime of life. He already has a pair of children under his knees.

     Compared with the other younger brothers, he is indeed much older, and with the support of the imperial grandmother behind him, if it is an ordinary competition, it will naturally make people feel that he is bullying the younger with the big, and bullied the young with the elder.  

    But here, as long as there is not too much movement, I believe everything will go smoothly. The unfamiliar paddock is fair to all princes. It is just hunting. Yaozhong is still full of confidence, and he is even more powerful in the position of prince. must!  

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