The clue from the theatre.

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The three of us were looking at the line of people slowly making their way into the building for whatever show was on.
"It's the Sunday matinee. Erik takes me sometimes." Sal admitted making Max give him a confused look.
"You like opera?" Max asked.
"Oh, yeah!" He told before realising how uncool that seemed. "I mean... it's okay."
"I prefer musicals, but that's cause my gran is best friends with the owners grandmother of the lavender theatre, so we sometimes get free tickets." I informed the two, using the separate group chat of us three that we made for this outing.
"I'm learning so much." Max told before the three of us went towards the line.

When the we reached the front of the line, we went to walk straight in, only for the usher to stop us.
"Oh, oh, oh. Tickets, please. Tickets, please."  He told the three of us as he lightly pushed us back.
"Our parents were here last night." Sal told him and I was hoping he didn't recognise me.
"Oh, that's great. So we're 1,600 other people. Now show me your tickets."
"Maybe you know them. Erik Hunter?" Max began to the man.
"And Kate Hunter." Sal added making me face palm at their attempt to getting in.
"Erik and Kate Hunter? They're your parents?" He asked making the two boys get excited.
"You know them?" Sal asked.
"Never heard of them. Now show me your tickets."
"Look... our dad lost his wallet last night and he sent us down here to see if we could find it." Max lied, hoping this one worked.
"And we just wanted to get a quick look around." Sal continued.
"You'll never even know we were here." Sal informed him, making him give a fed up look to us.
"Take a hike."
"What's the big deal? Come on." Max whined.
"Tell your father to look for the lost and found. Now get out of here." He told making me grab Max's hoodie to drag him away.

We reconvened at the corner and I kept checking my watch, obviously waiting for something. That something was to avoid running into the person watching the theatre for the time being.
"Now what?" Sal questioned the two of us.
"Let me see." Max thought before coming up with something. "I know. We round up 100 rats, right, let them loose in the opera, everyone runs out screaming and we sneak inside."
"Even if we could find that many rats, to transport them we'd need cages and we'd probably get bit." Sal began to list out before Max clicked his fingers together as he came up with a new idea.
"How about this? We call up, and we tell them there's a zombie in the men's room... sitting on the toliet." He told making me and Sal share a look before looking back towards Max.
"A zombie?" Sal asked.
"What do you got, Mega Brain?" Max asked making Sal start to think, only to come up with another idea. "Oh, don't strain your brain. I got it."
"What?" Sal questioned not understanding what was going on.
"Come on." Max told grabbing Sals arm to drag him and my hand and from the looks of things, either he was chill with this type of physical contact or had just not realised it was my hand he grabbed.

We crept through the place and were dressed as different Vikings that one would see in operas and Max was thrilled how good it had worked.
"Oh, yeah. This works."
"Why do I have to be the girl?" Sal asked making me text the group, which Max read out.
"Cause I didn't fit. She's got a point." He told before hitting his shoulder for reassurance. "You look good."
"What are you doing back here?" A man asked the three of us, making us panic slightly. "You should be on stage. It's show time."
"Right, right. Um... Brucedonna here had to pee." Max told him.
"Brunhilda!" Sal quietly corrected making the two share a look before moving closer to us.
"How old are you?"
Sal opened his mouth to speak, only for Max to beat him to it.
"Run." He quickly told making the three of us bolt and the two men gave chase.
We ran through a door and took our helmets off, and tried to think of a plan.
"Where are we going?" Sal questioned.
"Erik and Kate's seats." Max stated.
"The balcony, follow me!" Sal told taking the lead, only for me to rush ahead. "Sav!"
"You always get the doors mixed up, I know this place better then you, my gran co-owns it with a Lavender member." I informed the two, shocking them slightly since I actually spoke.
"Oh look, she's speaking again.... What do you mean co-own?" Max questioned.
"Not now!" I told as we ran.

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