One Hunter kid down, Four to go.

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(Third p.o.v)

The Hunter kids and surprisingly Sav were sitting on the couch in front of Hedwig and Eugene after their stunt last night.
"Sneaking out in the middle of the night... stealing a family heirloom, disobeying our direct orders. Did you really think you'd get away with this?" Eugene asked them.
"We knew we weren't getting away with it after last night. We just didn't care." Sav told them.
"Not to mention sneaking you in."
"Again. You don't lock your things."
"You impudent rabble." He called them all, confusing Max.
"He's saying we're impertinent." Tess quietly told him.
"He doesn't know what that means." Sav stated.
"He hates us, okay?"
"Right." He told with a smile once he understood them.
"And for the most impudent of all, we have a little surprise." Hedwig told as they smiled.
"Is it that pony that he asked for?" Sav sarcastically asked, annoying the two.
"I have never seen Sav act like this for such a long period of time." Sal admitted.
"Yeah that's kinda my fault." Max quietly informed them, before they heard tires screeching and a honk outside.
"Right on time." Hedwig told with a laugh. "Don't go anywhere."
"Oh, I don't think they will." Eugene stated as he jiggled his keys and the two left.
As soon as they saw the door shut behind them, the six got up and went to the window to see it was the van for Blackfriars Orphanage. Which caused them to slightly panic.
"Oh, no! Blackfriars Orphanage." Sal told.
"This is a situation." Sav stated making them look towards her as she walked towards the kitchen. "I mean, we are trapped in this room with no where to go."
She spun around to look at the others before leaning against the wall with a smirk, reminding them of the little passage way they discovered awhile ago.
"You are so smart." Max told with a smile.
"Maybe Max is a bad influence on Sav." Tess joked as they rushed to get it open.
"Na it's fine. My father's a criminal so most of my bad influences came from him." She admitted, shocking the family since Sav avoided talking about her dad.

Anika, Sal, Tess and Daniel were sitting on the couch as if nothing happened when the adults walked back in and were shocked to see Max and Sav were suddenly gone.
"Is someone hiding?" Hedwig asked as they moved to stand before them after they slightly looked around for the two.
"Enough. Where is that miserable piece of filth and that pesky girlfriend of his?" Eugene asked the four.
"Don't look at me. He never tells me anything and Sav doesn't speak most days." Daniel told, making Eugene look towards Anika and slightly Sal who panicked a bit.
"You little one. Surely, you know where he and his girlfriend is." He told as she kept a neutral face towards him. "I may have a piece of candy if you tell me where he is."
"Sorry, we're we supposed to watch Max? You didn't tell us." Tess told him with a smile, making the man clear his throat before heading out.
"Oh, if you can wait just a few minutes, I'm sure we will find the boy in no time." Eugene told as they chased after him.
"Wait! Where are you going? Don't leave!" Hedwig told, making the siblings smile that their plan worked.

Once the two reached the secret room, Max pushed off the grate and carefully placed it down on the ground to not make too much noise. He jumped out before helping Sav out, which made each other smile at it. They looked towards each other and enjoyed the moment they were having before they heard yelling.
"We will search this place inch by inch until we find that little rat!" Eugene shouted as the other Hunter kids rushed off to their rooms as him and Hedwig stormed after them from the lounge.
"And you're all grounded! Get up to your bedrooms!" She shouted at them, making Max and Sav move closer to the door to listen in and hear what was being said.
"Roll call tomorrow, 5:00 a.m. so you won't forget who's in charge in this house. Understood?" Eugene continued.
The two shared a worried look at that before they heard the two creeps voices getting closer to them.
"I think it's a good thing." Eugene told Hedwig as they entered the library.
"A good thing?" She asked.
"A good thing how?"
"Who cares where the filthy urchin is? If he ran away, so much the better. We want all those brats out of our hair. One down, four to go." Eugene explained, as they came to a stop in front of the secret passageway.
"That's true. And it's only a matter of time before we stick the other little rats in new foster homes." Hedwig stated as Max and Sav recorded what they were hearing. "Then this house and everything in it will belong to its rightful owners: us, the real Hunters."
Once the two were sure they weren't discussing anymore, Max ended the recording and they moved away from the door as Max called Sal and Sav was texting her gran that everything was going ok at the Hunters since she got a text.

Sal quickly picked up his phone so their captors didn't hear it if they were close by.
"Max? We shouldn't talk on the phone. It's too risky." Sal quietly told him.
"We have to meet, okay? It's important." Max told him.
"Like we just heard something important that's too much to send over a text." Sav added once she was done texting her gran.
"Text everyone and tell them to meet in our room."
"Nobody's supposed to leave their room until roll call." Sal informed the two.
"Oh, big deal. Look, listen. We heard Eugene and Hedwig talking...." Max began to explain before they all heard the beeps you get when you disconnect from something. "Sal?"
"Max?" Sal asked hearing the same thing.

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