The man in the tv.

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(Sav p.o.v)

"This was a bad idea." Tess stated as we looked at the mess in the hall.
"Well, I mean, it depends what you mean by 'bad'." Max pointed out making me give him a look. "I mean, sure, a riot did break out and... the law is breathing down our necks. The Clutterbeak problem isn't going away."
"That's kinda of what I mean by bad." Tess told.
"It's fine. We can fix the mess." I pointed out to them as the three in the kitchen popped their head out.
"You guys ok?" They asked.
"Peachy." I told with a thumbs up and they finally took in the scene.
"We can help clean." Jerome offered.
"Yeah the cleaning supplies are under the sink." I informed them making them nod.
"Alfie, you can use the skills you got from cleaning the toilet the most with a toothbrush." Eve joked making Jerome laugh as Alfie whined.
"I'll never be free!" He exclaimed as they went to get what they needed.
"But hey, look at the attention we got, right? Saganash has got to know we have the diamond by now." Max pointed out.
"Yeah, but he didn't show up."
"Well, most thief's don't while the place is open." I pointed out making them give me a confused look before Max caught on to what I was on about.
"Yeah, because he's not an idiot. I mean, he's not gonna show up when everyone's here. But he will. Eventually. He has to."
"Maybe he'll come tonight." Tess suggested.
"I'd bet on it. I mean, the trap is still set."
"We still have a chance." I told them as we all smiled.

We were all relaxing upstairs waiting for the alarm to go off and Max ended up playing with my hair as I helped put Anika's hair up in a bun since she was having trouble doing it tonight. As soon as I got her hair done, we heard the alarm making us run to make sure we caught him. As we rushed down the stairs, Max began to speak.
"Hope you got a good lawyer, Saganash." Max told him before the lights came on and Simone was pinning Daniel to the ground.
"This is a weird date guys." I muttered, making Max nod in agreement.
"Do I look like Saganash?" Daniel asked us.
"Daniel? Simone?" Sal asked the two.
"Well you were the one who was meant to be hiding." I quickly told since we needed to explain the name away due to Simone being there and she got off of Daniel once she learnt who he was.
"Hi, Simone." He told her with a smile, not fazed by being pinned.
"Who is Saganash and what's going on here?" She asked making them panic.
"Uh, nothing. We were just playing a game of hide and seek." Max told going off what I said earlier. "There you are. Now it's over. Ready to go to sleep 'cause we're really tired, so..."
"I don't know what this is all about, but I'm gonna find out first thing tomorrow. I have a date with Tim and I'm late." She informed us, shocking us at this.
"Wait, you have two midnight dates?" Daniel asked her.
"Two dates? What are you talking about?" She questioned in confusion as she left.
"Nothing." Daniel muttered.
"Oh she gonna be disappointed." I pointed out as we walked towards the library to see if we caught Saganash and patted Daniel on the arm to comfort him as we went past.
"Sorry, man." Max told him before we joined up at the door.
"I think we got him." Sal commented before we slowly opened the door and found nothing. "Wha...?"
"Do not say he is a ghost." I told Max.
"I wasn't gonna." He told making me look towards him. "Ok I was thinking it."
"No one can escape this room. Who set off the alarm?" Sal questioned before Anika seemed to answer it for us.
"Jean Louise, there you are." She told as she picked her up. "Come here. You okay? You're such a little troublemaker."
We all let out a groan at the fact Saganash was still at large and was definitely not coming tonight. But we did have an idea to cheer us up from this fail. We decided to rewatch the moment Daniel was tackled by Simone, which did bring us joy.
"This is just great. Everything's ruined all because of some stupid alligator." Daniel muttered as he moved away from Anika's head due to her resting there.
"She's a chameleon."
"Evelyn actually owns one. She named hers Casper cause she loves Casper the friendly ghost." I pointed out.
"Okay. Whatever."
"Yeah, but you're insulting her." Anika stated before we saw a cloak figure appear on the screen.
"Guys." I quietly spoke due to fear, making them all see him.
"You fools thought you could trap me like a household pest. I have just one thing to say to you. If you want to see your parents again... you give me the diamond." He informed us and as he had spoke, mine and Max's hands had intertwined and we held onto one another in slight fear before the screen went black.

I was doing more research in the hidden library to find some way to take Saganash down now with the threat of the diamond on the line. Of course I couldn't find anything.
'This is useless.... Why now anyway?'
"Knock knock." Someone spoke making me jump before looking towards the door to see Max there.
"You scared me." I told him as he came to sit next to me.
"Sorry. Another sleepless night?"
"After Saganash hijacking the video feed, yep. You?"
"Same." He told before taking my hand in his. "Can I ask you something, Sav?"
"So, as you know we've gone on a few dates. And it seems clear we both like like one another."
"That's not a question that's a statement and a hypothesis."
"I might not understand when you speak smart, but I sure as hell think it's hot." He pointed out making me blush. "I like hanging out with you, you make me smile and laugh, I enjoy waking up since I know I get to see you. And even though most days you don't start talking until close to lunch, or at all, I still like being around you and reading your texts."
"Max, are you saying what I think you're trying to?" I asked him, making him smile towards me.
"Even though our meeting was unique I'll say, I knew from the moment I saw you, I wanted you in my life. And if you are also down for it.... Savanna, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Max, I will definitely be your girlfriend." I told him, making a large smile form on his face.
"Yes really."
"We are so gonna wait to tell the others." He stated as we got serious looks at that.
"It is only fair after their whole trying to help in a poor way."
"Minus Sal." We both told as one, making us laugh at it before we tried to figure something out while we still weren't tired.
'Thank god it's still the weekend.'

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