Chapter 10

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Crystal stayed with her deceased friends for a bit, and then walked away with her pups without a sound. She knew the forest would take their bodies, and the Brightfields would take their spirits. She still had tears in her eyes, and her nose was stuffed from crying.

"Mommy," Lilac squeaked, "What will happen to Smoke and Ember?"

"I'm sure someone will take them in," Crystal sighed, "I'm not sure who, but I'm sure they'll find a good family."

"Where's the pack?" Snow asked.

"I don't know," Crystal answered, "I think they went this way."

"Mom, I'm tired," Snow sighed.

"I know," Crystal said, "But we'll look for a bit, and then we'll rest."

After a bit, they came to the end of the forest, but the sight was not what Crystal was expecting. There was an entire clearing with the sound of a stream running by. The sun was shining through the strong-scented pine trees, and the area wasn't quite enclosed with trees so that she could see off into the distant horizons. It's beautiful, Crystal thought with a smile.

"Mommy," Snow squeaked, "I'm hungry."

"Let me go find something to eat, stay here," Crystal whispered. She started to walk off, but it wasn't long until a snake slithered right in front of her. She ran after the snake, and bit it's neck once she was close enough. She didn't have to go far, she could still see her pups. She picked up the dead snake with her mouth and brought it over to her pups.

"Here you go," Crystal whispered. When the pups started to eat, Crystal saw another snake slither by.

And this one's for me, Crystal thought to herself before chasing after it again. Once again she bit it's neck, and brought it back to her pups. These are really easy to catch! Crystal thought with a smile. There were not many things for prey to hide under, and there seemed to be a lot of snakes in the area. Crystal started to eat her prey when she heard someone calling her name.

"Night?" Crystal called back.

Sure enough, Night saw her and walked up to greet her. He had two pack members behind him, Pinecone and Clover.

"Hey, sis!" Clover shouted before running over to Crystal, and knocking her over. Crystal and Clover were silent for a moment, and then they started to laugh. Clover gave Crystal's face a single lick.

"How are you?" Crystal asked after she sat back up.

"Wonderful! But... where's Jasmine and Bandit?"

Crystal's heart sank, and her eyes teared up again.

"What's the matter?" Pinecone asked.

"They're gone," Crystal sighed, looking down at the ground. "They... they passed away in the fire." Pinecone and Clover looked at each other, and did the same.

"Well," Night said, picking his head up, "I'm going to host a pack meeting. We've been doing some exploring while you were gone, and... I think this might be the place.

"You think so?" Crystal asked.

"I think so," Night said with a proud tone, "I think this is what we were looking for all along. Now I must call a pack-meeting."

Night pulled himself to his hind legs. "May all fellow pack members please come and join me for a pack meeting!"

The mongooses came rushing over. Lake was gently holding Ember in his jaws. Ember sneezed. Honeycomb came over carrying Smoke. Smoke also sneezed.

"Today has been... eventful, to say the least. Unfortunately, Jasmine and Bandit lost their lives in the forest fire. But we must remain strong, for I declare that this is our new home. It has plenty of food, shelter, and other resources."

Journey to Hope: The Journey BeginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora