Chapter 14

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It had been five moons since River had been exiled. There were new pups, new pack members, and new friends. Smoke and Ember were growing up fast, and they were ready to become trainees. Crystal pulled herself to her hind legs before shouting, "May all fellow Leaf-pack members gather around the meeting tree for a pack meeting!"

The mongooses came rushing over at once.

"We have a few ceremonies to make today," Crystal announced.

The mongooses started to whisper and nod to each other, and Crystal could hear the excitement in their voices.

"First off, Ember. Ember, please step up."

Ember stepped forward as told. She looked down at the ground shyly.

"Ember Speedybranch, you have reached the age of five moons, and it is time for you to be a trainee and receive a mentor to train you. Do you promise to follow the ways of our pack, train well, and always keep the Bright's Law close to your heart?"

"I do," Ember said with a bit of a nervous tone in her voice. Ember had always been a really shy mongoose, and never liked big crowds.

"Then by the power of the Brightfields inside of me, Ember is now a pack-member trainee. Oak, you will be Ember's mentor. I expect you to teach her everything your mentor taught you. Train her well."

Oak gave a proud nod. Ember ran over to her new mentor and laid down on the ground to make herself less visible.

"Smoke," Crystal continued, "Please step forward."

Smoke ran up to Crystal and fell over. He shook his head quickly and stood up.

"Smoke Speedybranch, you are also going to become a pack-member trainee today. Do you promise to follow our ways, train well, and always keep the Bright's Law close to your heart?"

"I promise!" Smoke exclaimed excitedly.

"Then by the power of the Brightfields inside of me, Smoke is now a pack-member trainee," Crystal declared. "Smoke, your mentor will be Snow. Snow, I expect you to teach him everything your mentor taught you. Train him well. Both of you are just beginning on your journey to be the best pack members you can be, and your mentors are going to guide you on your journey."

"Also, I have something else to announce," Crystal continued, "Pinecone and Honeycomb mentioned secondary leaders at the gathering last moon at the Great Willow. Secondary leaders take the place of leaders when they retire or pass, and usually have a lot of responsibilities. A secondary leader is trusted by their leader."

The pack looked up at Crystal in silence, waiting for her to announce who it was.

"Stone," Crystal said, "you will become the pack's secondary leader. I have seen a lot in you, and I trust you to do well."

"I promise I'll do my best," Stone promised.

Crystal looked down at her pack mates. This is home, She thought to herself while smiling.

Crystal's mood changed when she looked to Smoke, and remembered what River had said to her that past summer. Smoke would bring the Paradise Place harm. She tried to shrug it off, because River was a constant fibber. But she had a strong feeling inside of her that she couldn't shake. That feeling was that maybe he actually knew something. It really made her wonder- was he telling the truth?

The End?

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