Jeff The Killer

44 1 4

real name: Jeffrey Alan Woods

birthday: June 2nd 1995

age now: 27

how he stayed: 15

height: 5'7ft/ 1,70m

how he kills:
with a kitchen knife.
lures his victims in their slumer.
he covers his victims mouths to stop them from screaming. He stabs them and also cuts them a 'beautiful' smile like his into their cheeks to make them look pretty.


"Go to sleep."

Black hair, paper white skin, burned off eyelids, eyes are wide open, big eyebags, cut smile (to cheeks)
what's a white, blood strained Hoodie, black dress pans and black shoes

looks:Black hair, paper white skin, burned off eyelids, eyes are wide open, big eyebags, cut smile (to cheeks)what's a white, blood strained Hoodie, black dress pans and black shoes

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credit goes to: neko-san300984 on Deviantart

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credit goes to: neko-san300984 on Deviantart

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