Ticci Toby

19 0 3

real name: Toby Erin Rogers

birthday: April 28th 1994

now: 29

how he stayed: 16

height: 5'10ft/1,77m

how he kills:
carries around two hatches and kills his victims with them in various ways: decapitation, butchering ect.
there is no specific way that he kills.


"Who needs a social life when you have the voices in your head to keep you company?"

pale, almost grey skin, messy, dark brown hair and brown eyes with dark crescent circles surrounding them. The side of his mouth is deteriorated, exposing his teeth and gums.
he wears a pattern color/blue sweater, jeans, a black sweater underneath the first sweater, converse, gloves, a mouth guard, and some goggles. his weapon is his 2 hatchets, one of them with an orange handle.

 his weapon is his 2 hatchets, one of them with an orange handle

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