Ben Drowned

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real name: Benjamin Lawman

birthday: april 23th 1990

age: 33

how he stayed: 12

height: 5'2ft/1,57m

how he kills:
it depends on his victims.
if it's a kid: he gives them nightmares before drowning them in their bathtub or electrocute them.
if it's a teen or adult: he either electrocute them, drown them or strangulate them by wires.

-presumably omniscient
(-video games + hacking)

"You shouldn't have done that." or "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you..?"

Black eyes with red pupils which appear to be dripping red liquid (presumably blood) from them.
he is wearing a link 'costume' which is green.

he is wearing a link 'costume' which is green

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