Preparations and feelings of anticipation

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After Lumine got inside the Serenitea Pot, she began her search for her twin brother, which thankfully for her, didn't last long. Aether was using the bathroom at that moment, so she let him know that she needed to speak with him and patiently waited a few steps away from the bathroom's door. In a minute or two, Aether was out of the bathroom to be greeted with the sight of his very impatient sister.

"What did you want to talk about?" He spoke, trying to discern just what had happened. Judging from the look on her face that she was trying to hide, something very good had occured, but the former Abyss Prince, despite all his experience in dealing with people, failed to realise just what that thing was.

Attempting to suppress the smile tugging at her lips she answered her brother's question. "She kissed me on the cheek." She didn't need to specify who she was talking about, who else would it be other than the one and only, the Shirasagi Himegimi. Her index finger pointed at her cheek, right on the spot that Ayaka's lips had touched. She noticed her brother widening his eyes due to the shock and smiling before pressing her for more details. "Really? When? What happened after that?" The blonde couldn't be any happier for his still inexperienced in love sister and it showed.

So Lumine started narrating the story. "So, we met in Ritou like we had arranged and got some drinks." And so she proceeded to relay to him the events that transpird earlier. She wanted to tell Aether about the upcoming festival, but she got a little distracted by Ayaka's rather bold and unexpected move and ended up forgetting about it for the rest of the night. "And when we almost reach her home, we start saying our goodnights and out of nowhere, she leans in and kisses me on the cheek. I didn't know what to say or do, I was very shocked and then she ran to the Estate and I teleported here to tell you." Finally reaching the conclusion of the story, she took a deep breath in. "So, what do you think of this?"

"Honestly, I didnt think she'd have the guts to do something like that. She seemed more like the shy type, like I expected her to wait for you to make a move. Guess she really likes you..." He replied, teasing a little at the end. "You really think so?" Lumine's eyes had a spark of hope as she asked.

"We've talked about this already. She definitely likes you and you know it, Lumine." Those words did manage to slightly reassure her, but she doubted she could ever let go of that fear, unless she heard Ayaka confess with her own ears. "You're right, I'm just very shocked still, I guess." Aether simply nodded at her response, he couldn't really blame her, he'd been in her shoes numerous times in the past and was even facing a similar predicament at the time himself.

Only after a few moments of silence that only grew more and more deafening, did the Traveler remember that she wanted to apologize to Aether for leaving him to spend time with Ayaka. "Also, I'm sorry for leaving you alone..."

"It's all good, dont worry about it. I got to revisit some places." Aether of course had no issue with Lumine spending her time with Ayaka, he needed some time for himself anyways, to reunite with some old acquaintances.

"If you say so..." She replied, not knowing if her brother meant his words or was only trying to comfort her. "So, did you have a good time? Where did you go?"

"I headed over to Mondstadt today, not at the city though, I met up with an old friend at Windrise" He answered Lumine's inquiry and the Traveler couldn't help but wonder who this old friend is. Only one Mondstadter that took a liking to Windrise came to her mind and she couldn't believe that he knew her brother and never said a word. But then again, he is quite the tricky person to get a word out of.

Aether could tell what she was thinking about and answered her question before she even had the opportunity to voice it. "It's who you think it is."

Her eyes and mouth were wide open in surprise and disappointment in herself for ever believing that bard. "You know Venti? How? Since when?" Aether chuckled at her reaction.

After The Ending [Ayalumi]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα