[Bonus I] A Day In The Teapot

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Lumine took a last sip of her tea, letting out a satisfied sigh as she set the cup next to the sink to wash it later and poured some syrup on top of the carefully stacked pancakes she had made for her girlfriend. She examined the dish in front of her, trying to spot any sort of possible imperfections before deeming it as good enough. Then, the blonde took the plate and placed it on a wooden tray next to a cup of hot tea and a beautiful flower from Khaenri'ah, just like the one on her hair.

Taking the tray in her hands, she cautiously brought it to her bedroom and placed it on her nightstand without making a sound. Lumine, then, sat down on the edge of her bed moved the strands of hair that were covering Ayaka's eyes out of her face, leaning closer to give her a soft peck on the forehead.

The Princess didn't seem to react to the kiss as she continued wandering in the world of her dreams and as much as Lumine wanted to let her rest, she had already slept in. In fact, it was almost noon and the two of them were supposed to spend the day together in the Serenitea Pot. She knew that Ayaka would be upset if she ended up sleeping the whole day, so she began nudging her softly to wake her up.

"Wake up, my love." Said the former Traveler sweetly.

Soon, the silver-haired lady opened her eyes and was greeted by the sight of her lover; that view alone was more than enough to make her day. With a small smile on her face, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes tiredly as she spoke in her morning voice. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too." Lumine replied, leaning forward to kiss Ayaka on the lips. After only a moment, however, the Princess moved her head to the side, ending the kiss. The blonde only looked at her, confusion written all over her face, before Ayaka explained herself. "Not now, I haven't brushed my teeth yet. My breath stinks."

"I don't mind that." She responded, kissing the Shirasagi Himegimi on the cheek before she distanced herself. "I made you breakfast." Lumine announced, taking the tray again, as Ayaka sat up and she placed it in front of her girlfriend.

"Thank you, Lumine." The Princess said shyly, a slight red hue covering her cheeks, as she took the white flower and brought it closer to her face to smell it. "You really didn't have to."

"I wanted to, though." The blonde answered, feeling herself fall more deeply in love with Ayaka, seeing how gracefully she brought the teacup to her lips. If someone had told her that she'd find herself being jealous of a cup of tea, she would, without a doubt, laugh at them. Yet here she was.

"Do you like it?" Lumine asked her anxiously as soon as Ayaka had taken the first sip.

"Yes, of course."

After the silver-haired lady had her breakfast, she made her way to the bathroom, while her girlfriend took the dirty, empty dishes back to the kitchen to wash them. The blonde was cleaning the plate when she heard Ayaka walk in the kitchen and approach her. Wrapping her cold hands around Lumine's waist, the Princess hugged her lover from behind, placing her head on the former Traveller's shoulder. "Thanks again for the breakfast." Ayaka said quietly against Lumine's ear before kissing her neck.

That was quite the distraction to the blonde, who almost dropped the plate she was holding accidentally. "Don't even mention it."

Shortly after, Lumine was done washing that last plate and could give all of her attention to her Ayaka. "So, what do you want to do?"

After thinking for a moment, the Shirasagi Himegimi, who was still hugging the blonde's back, shrugged her shoulders and replied. "I don't know, you pick. So long as we do something together, I'm fine with anything."

"Uhh... Do you want to play that card game again? Genius Invocation TCG, wasn't it?" She proposed, knowing that it was a game Ayaka seemed to enjoy, despite losing more often than not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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