YouTuber's Life

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**Relationship troubles
Chronology : Music channel run after you move in with the roommate
Pairings : Male Player Character & Izaiah, Izaiah/Male NPC/Female NPC (mentioned)
Headcanons : Izaiah is in a poly relationship (he always complains about getting in a fight with his "couple", so that's my interpretation)
Author's note : Just calling the player character "Player"

"Hey" Izaiah said as he entered Player's room, his green hair a little more disheveled than usual. "I got in another fight with my couple" he said solemnly. "Do you mind if I hit the keys a bit?"

"Go for it" Player told him and, with that, he went over to the keyboard and began playing nonsensically. He didn't properly know how to play the piano but he would find notes that sounded cool together and just fuck around for a bit whenever he got upset like this, and Player let him because they were friends and he cared about him. "Is everything okay with you guys?" Player asked. "You've been fighting a lot lately"

"Yeah" Izaiah sighed. "My girlfriend is just jealous because you live here now" he explained. "Her and my boyfriend are worried about us getting too close or something"

"I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault" Izaiah assured. "They're just overreacting and they'll both realizing that soon enough" he explained. "You're my roommate and I'm glad you're my roommate cause you're my friend. If me being happy with my roommate is such a problem, then maybe I have some important conversations I need to have with them"

"That's very mature of you, Izaiah"

"Yeah" Izaiah chuckled. "I'm not a childish pain in the ass all the time"

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