✧Chapter 11: A dream that will never come true

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Neteyam's POV

Turning around constantly in bed for the tenth time I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. Thoughts of Azura filled my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about how her life experience had made her give up on love. It was admirable how much she cared for her people, yet it wasn't fair for her to do that to herself just because she believed she wasn't a good leader.

Looking around I watched as all of my family members were deep asleep. Without making a single noise, I sneaked up from my bed and left the kelku. It was all quiet, closing my eyes I enjoyed the sense of calm that surrounded me. There was no one outside, the Kelutral was completely empty since everyone was on their kelkus sleeping peacefully.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do so as I thought about it I began to walk around aimlessly. The kelku's lights were off, all that could be heard was some snoring and the beautiful sound of the night creatures playing around. After some time I found myself walking towards the branch I had gone stargazing with Azura the day before. I'm sure she won't mind if I spend the night here, I thought.

Arriving at the top of the branch, I was surprised when I saw the young Olo'eykte laying on the branch as she watched the sea of stars above her with an amused face. She hadn't noticed my presence yet, she was so focused on the beauty of the night that she had completely forgotten the world around her. I wonder why she was up so late, she surely must be tired after a long day.

I couldn't help but stay still as I observed her. Her bright eyes were illuminated by the light of the stars while a gorgeous smile lay on her soft lips. Her hair hung off the branch and one of her hands was behind her head as the other lay on her stomach. Both of her legs were slightly bent, one in front of the other in order to not lose balance. She wasn't aware of how attractive she was.

As noiselessly as I could I approached her side trying not to startle her, I didn't want to disturb her peaceful moment. "Can I join you?" I asked softly once I was close to her. She jumped a little bit at the sound of my voice. "Neteyam" she whispered in surprise as she got into a sitting position, "What are you doing here?" she asked confused by my presence.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought that coming here was a good option. And you? Why are you awake so late?". "Same, I can't get a wink of sleep and I decided to distract myself by stargazing" Azura replied looking at me. "Come" she beckoned me, "Sit with me, we can spend the rest of the night together if you wish" she offered while patting her side.

Obeying her I sat down next to her, "Tell me Neteyam, what is disturbing your sleep?" she looked worried about me. "Nothing, I simply can't sleep" I lied, I didn't want her to know that the reason I couldn't sleep was because I couldn't stop thinking about her. "What about you? Why are you awake so late? You must be very tired after a long day as the Olo'eykte" I dismissed her question.

She sighed and looked back at the sky, "There are some nights that I find it hard to close my eyes, my dreams seem to hunt me not letting me rest" she vaguely explained. If she didn't want to talk further about it I wasn't going to be the one to push her. I hope there is a day when she finds herself so comfortable with me that she feels free to tell me anything that bothers her.

After a long time observing the stars, Azura broke the silence "There's a place I usually go to when I can't sleep. Do you want to go with me?". Turning to look at me she tilted her head as she waited for my answer, "Of course, lead the way". Carefully I stood up and helped her to do the same, "Thank you Neteyam" she thanked me in a low tone while smiling at me.

"You are going to love it", taking my hand in hers she began to guide me through the Kelutral towards the forest. I didn't know where we were going but I trusted her. Arriving at the clearing she got on her pa'li, "Follow me" she told me as she began galloping towards the inside of the forest. I copied her actions and hopped on my pa'li as fast as I could in order to reach her.

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