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TW: Implication of torture, Angst, Abuse

Word Count: 1560


Another day, another 24 hours of suffering. Ash sighed as she slumped against the cage bars. her wounds burned but she didn't dare touch them. she started to close her eyes, hoping for some form of reservation from this horror show that her life became, but to no avail. She sat up with a start as she heard that sickeningly familiar clang and screech of metal dragging against the concrete floor. Panic set in as she feared what came next. "Well hello my dear experiment." Dr Ghost. Her tormenter. The "man" that came in with kindness and took her with cold harshness. The contrast was startling but she couldn't think about that now. "You know what time it is." He opened the cafe and stepped inside as she backed against a wall. "Please-please ghost i- i'm tired. I need sleep." He stopped. It looked as if he was actually considering it before his expression turned dark. "You don't need anything. Not unless I say so." He stepped closer, her heart went tumbling as her mind threw curses at her for being stupid enough to even attempt such a question. "I command your every move Ash." Another step. She held her breath in her throat, tensing up already. One last step. He was directly in front of her. He gripped her hair harshly and handled her head back to look him directly in the eyes. If she could see them, that mask she's laid eyes on hundreds too many times. However, she could still feel the burn of his glare burn into her. "I control your every thought, your every feeling. Every twitch of your nose, even the rise and fall of your chest with each breath you take is my doing. I could kill you where you stand in the most agonizing of ways. So I suggest you quietly obey." his grip tightened, "Am I clear?" She tried to nod but couldn't move her head. "y-yes." she whimpered. he dropped her and she fell to the floor, painfully. She rubbed her head in relief, but he was finished. He grabbed her tail and began dragging her out the cage. She tried gripping the floor with her claws but he continued pulling her until the got to the ground zero of her fears. He used his magic to pick her up and slam her on the table, the restraints locking in place immediately. "Be glad I'm not the only one that wants to play with you today." He pulled out his sword and a few more instruments of torment. "Now hold still, this will only hurt a lot." And so began the pain...Hours later, Ash lay exhausted on the table. Her blood graced the floor, table, Dr Ghost's hands and her body in thick puddles. She panted heavily, body aching for a minute of rest. But no, Ghost simply used his sword to fix her skin back to normal tightness, the usual scars curving along her body. Her eyes started to shut but that was interrupted rudely when the door was opened and the temperature of the room was disturbed. "Are you done ghost I'm getting impatient." Him. The other subject of her torment. 

Dr Lust stood in the doorway, a nonchalant expression of slight annoyance on his face. His masking was good but not good enough to hide from Ash. Ghost sighed in aggravation as he packed his tools back up and snapped, cleaning the room in seconds. "Yea yea she's all yours. She all tuckered out so she should be obedient." He glanced back at her, "or else." She whimpered and Lust looked back to her. "Oh don't worry, She'll be submissive for me. She always is." He smiled, walking over to get her out of the tables restraints and into his own. "She'll be back in some hours brother." Ghost grunted in affirmation from the corner, going through whatever torture devices he hadn't used on her yet. With that Lust disappeared to play his own mind game with Ash. Another 10 hours later, Ash lay between Lust's legs, one of his hands over her eyes, his other between her thighs, having finally stopped. He leaned his chin into her shoulder, to which she hissed in pain. He. sat up, pulling her into his lap, somehow...gently? What? "My, what has he done to you darling? You used to be so strong." His hand never moved from her eyes, keeping her in the dark. The other came to rest on her cheek, thumb gracing over her lips and nose. "I will allow you to rest for now but remember this," he whispered, all to sweet, what was going on? "Be ready to play again at 2. It's your only chance of survival." And by the end of his sentence, her body and mind gave out as she fell into deep sleep.

2 am rolled around and Ash stretched, body aching but not as much as before. She glared through the bars of her cage into the dark room. What did Lust mean? More torment? And why was he so gentle before? For the 2 years she's been here, she hadn't received such treatment. Not since...before. Suddenly a noise, at first she feared it was Dr Ghost, early to torture but the footsteps weren't heavy enough. Next thing she saw was a flurry. First the cage unlocked and the door swung open, next she was being picked up gently and rushed down the hall. Her mind raced wondering for the third time in a 24 hour period, what was going on. She risked a glance back to who was carrying her and was shocked. No way it could be, one of the men behind the years of torture and pain she had felt and been exposed to, was helping her. He raced through the Lab, passing doors upon doors until he finally reached the last spot, one door at the end of the hall. He placed her down onto her feet, holding her face gently. "you need to leave. Once you go through that door, there will be a car for you, it'll take you back to your dimension and home." He placed a kiss on her forehead and gently pushed his to hers. "Be safe." She looked up at him, into his pink eyes and finally spoke. "why?" he stood straight and looked down at her. "why? why what?" "why would you...do this? why help me?" He looked concerned for a good second before patting her head and turning her towards the door. She took a deep breath. She was finally gonna leave. She took a step. Nothing happened. Another. Nothing. She took step after step. This was it.

Or was it?

She looked back for half a second to see Lust's face contort from relaxed and seemingly happy for her to fearful and shocked. "Where do you think you're going?" No. She whipped back around to get shackled around the throat by Ghost's fist. He squeezed, immediately snatching any air she had in her lungs. "Wow brother. And here I thought you only thought with what's in your pants." Lust sounded disturbed and, while calm, also nervous. "Ghost, we've kept her here for years i think it's time to let her leave." Ghost laughs, loud and dry. His grip loosens around her throat, only for a second, long enough for her to take another breath before he calms and tightens his fist once more, tighter than the first squeeze. She struggles, scratching at his hand, trying to harm him enough to drop her. It didn't work. He turned her to face Lust, Iron grip still tight around her throat. "Wow, and here I thought she'd have no strength left. But that was when I believed I could trust you." He glared at Lust. Lust was stuck. What could he say to get him to let her go. "Brother. I've never asked for much. So listen to me now and let her go. She doesn't deserve this." Ghost looked bored but also a bit surprised. "A few years in and you're ready to betray me for a mere mortal. You've changed Lust." Ghost pulled a syringe of blue fluid out his lab coat and held it beside Ash's neck, spreading his fingers to have room to inject. "Jack no!" Lust tried, but Ghost wasn't having it. "You're getting weak." And with that, he plunged the syringe into Ash's neck and unleashed the fluid into her blood stream. Ash's veins started to shine blue and she struggled harder, her eyes going black. She dropped to the floor as Ghost let her go and she writhed in agony as the mixture burned in her body. Lust rushed to her side and tried to hold her gently but she snapped at him and backed away. "You see brother, in torturing dear Ash here, I've found that while she's a mediocre toy. She's quite the weapon." Ash clawed at her ears and whined as her body finally settled. "Your poor Ash is gone now. Say hello," He glanced at Ash as she sat up glaring in Lust's direction. "to A.54" She growled deeply as Lust tried to reach for her. Ghost used his magic to make a titanium leash appear around Ash's neck and in his hand. "She's gone." Lust had lost her.

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