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CW: Angst

Word Count: 766

*Sorry this one's short*

Agent Sunflower woke up and threw on a shirt, heading downstairs to the kitchen. She grabbed a cereal box, checked how much was in it and went and sat on the couch. She knew if agent zero found her he would scold her and try to make some eggs or something but she was too tired to care. She turned on some random show she had been watching and would get into promptly as she started to eat some of her cereal. About an hour later as she was shoving a handful of the cereal into her mouth she heard something upstairs. It sounded like creaking mixed with...crying. She usually didn't investigate these things. Everyone had their space and they would come to each other if they needed each other. But these cries were different and familiar. She set the box down and went up the stairs quietly. She passed Zero's room where she could hear his fan blowing softly, crept passed Butterfly's, where she stopped to listen and make sure she was sleeping soundly. Which she was. Then she traveled to Jackson's room. The crying continued, now sounding like choked sobs. She gently pushed the door open just a bit. He always left it creaked in fear he might get accidentally locked in during an emergency. There on his bed, Jackson cried, holding his head in one of his hands and wiping his eyes with the other. His hair was disheveled and his shorts wet with tears, proving he'd been crying for a while. She slowly walked into the room, trying to be quiet. Unfortunately, by the way Jackson's breath hitched, he seemed to sense her presence. She stood there for a second, waiting for him to say something, to try and say he was ok. But he didn't, he stayed on his bed, crying softly. she stepped closer, inch by inch till she was just above him. He had stopped sobbing, and was now sniffling into his hands. She hesitantly but gently placed a hand on his head, running her fingers through his ginger roots. He wrapped his arms around her torso, squeezing mildly. she softly pushed his head toward her, but he saw a chance and took it, slamming his head into her lower stomach. Luckily for him, her training kept her from flinching. She opened her mouth to say something but he spoke first. "I want her to be proud of me." he stated tearfully. She tried to reply but it came out in a breathy whisper. she cleared her throat awkwardly. "who?" she asked, now looking down to him. He sniffed, moving his head to look out the window woefully. "My mother." he sniffed. The realization dawned on her. Jackson said that his mother had always wanted him to be great and follow in her footsteps of working for Spade, their rival organization. She could understand. It was the same with her father. Except he was thinking something less dangerous and yet so important. Jackson leaned back a little, "I'm sorry, I must seem like a pain.'' He wiped his eyes with his wrist and sniffed harder. She lifted his head gently and moved his arm. "You're fine. It's been a while since I took care of someone so thanks for letting me help." he smiled wearily. "Y-you're welcome. Thanks for trying." She smiled and patted his head "of course kid. You know I got you." He hugged her once more and sighed. They stayed like this, comfy, close and in their bubble for a bit longer before the serene silence was broken by the rumble of Jackson's stomach. His ears and nose turned red, nose hidden in Amaya's belly. Said girl cleared her throat, "uh you want some cereal? i was eating a box before I came up here and no one is up." she tried. He paused before nodding. A few hours later Zero came down the stairs and went into the kitchen but not before passing the living room. He paused in the kitchen before backpedaling. "how long have y'all been up?" he asked, noticing Amaya and Jackson on the couch in almost matching sets of shorts and tank tops. "sunrise." they replied in unison. They took turns taking handfuls of cereal out the box between them before chomping on them and sighing in content. "Ok then. Don't y'all want real breakfast cuz I can make some." he asked heading back into the kitchen. "Nah, cereal's fine." they replied. Zero shrugged and went to start some breakfast for himself and butterfly when she woke up.

The end

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