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TW: Death

Word Count: 535 (This one's really short)

3 months, 5 days and 6 hours.

that was the amount of time lust had been without his wife. though it had only taken a second to lose her. this is the amount of time that the look in her eyes as the beautiful brown of her irises dimmed and her gorgeous smile had haunted him. for these were the same beautiful eyes and the same big shining smile that she had given him on their wedding day as she said her vows. but these things could no longer be associated with that day, the day he gained his world. no. now they were associated with the pain of the day he lost her.

2 minutes and 14 seconds

That was the time they had to say goodbye to each other. Half of which was spent with lust trying to figure how he could fix this and why he wasn't in pain as well before she told him. How she had the pact passed down to their daughter, the doings of a witch she had met with. The rest of their time was spent in a meaningful conversation. A conversation that played through his mind every waking millisecond he walked the earth. How he wished he could get it back and pet her pretty head again, whispering to her those words that would plague the back of his mind like an old tattoo. "Do you have to go?" he had asked her, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "How I wish I didn't, but I do." she whispered back through bloody lips. Lips that he had kissed at the last second, not caring for the metallic coppery taste or the mess he was making on him self as the blood dirtied his clothes. He just wanted to stay with her. Till the end of time. But there time was up it seemed.

10 days 6 hours and 3 minutes

That is the amount of time away from his and Ash's daughter's birthday. She was to be turning two and she already looked so much like her mother, Lust couldn't help but tear up when he looked into her eyes. While she had inherited his pink skin and hadn't been able to change it just yet, she was just as gorgeous as her mother and had the same looks as her. From the curve of her brows to her puffy blush ridden cheeks. Maybe this was why he had been stuck on Ash's death for so long, he spent as much time as he could with the baby, seeing as Archer's way of grieving was by blocking out everyone but Mimi, including his father.

363 days 24 hours 168 seconds

This is the amount of time Lust will spend thinking of his wife, every year, never ceasing to acknowledge the time they had together and the time they will have when he can visit her in hell again. But until then, he'd be spending as much time as he can with his family, just as she'd want him to. But, to him, it's funny. No matter if she had died now or died of old age, he'd always think that they never would have enough time.

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