final act.

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after Hazel takes her last breath, Mia sets her down and gets up. "where are you going?" says Layla, Mia looks at her "I'm gonna fucking end this killer. no more running, if Hazel dies whoever did this dies too."

"yikes.." Scarlett says with her hand around Layla. "I'm coming with you" says Aiden walking near them. "I don't say it much but I don't want anyone to die, so you aren't going alone" he smiles at her. Mia hesitates but just decides to bring him "fine" Mia says. Aiden follows her out the door. "so I guess it's just us-" says Layla while looking at Scarlett and andrew praying that they aren't the killers or she's toast.

with Mia and andrew

"he went around the back somewhere, I don't know if he's still there tho, sense everyone's in the house still." Mia says rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry" Aiden says. "for what?" Mia turns around and looks at him "for this..-" Aiden says as he pulls a knife out and stabs mias chest and runs away. leaving her on the floor bleeding.

we zoom back into the house, Layla is with Scarlett laying on a bed together, don't get any weird thoughts... they aren't doing anything Innapropiate. "do u think we'll die.." Layla says looking up at her. "i- no, idk.. maybe?" Scarlett says unsure of her voice. Layla just looks at the wall and gets flashbacks of what happened with Beth, she knows Mia isn't the killer so the possibility of it being Scarlett is high, especially if there's 2. Layla moves away a little from her, "what's wrong?" Scarlett says as she gets up from the bed. "I... uh-" Layla doesn't know how to tell her literal girlfriend that she doesn't really trust her, but she doesn't. Scarlett notices Layla seems scared, she can read her really well "do you think it's me?" Scarlett says, layla at this point doesn't know what to think. "I don't know, maybe?" Layla says scared that it actually is and she'll just shoot Layla or something, "it's not me-" Scarlett says trying to defend herself. "WELL, I don't know your never there on the scene except during a few times. your usually gone and barely attacked.." layla says, instantly regretting it. Scarlett looks down, "fine, I'll go." Layla pulls at her sweater "wait don't, I'm sorry-" she felt bad, and if it wasn't Scarlett, going on her own would get her killed. "no, if you don't trust me it's better if I go, stay safe" Scarlett kisses Layla and was about to leave the room when ghostface jumped on her "SCARLETT NO.." Layla yells. Scarlett knocks ghostface against the wall, but he gets up and stabs her in the leg, this time fixing his mistake, he stabs her multiple times and pushes her down the stairs that were right next to the room. then looks back at Layla and waves the knife in the air. Layla was gonna do a very dumb thing, but the only thing she could do in this situation, she opens the window quickly and jumps out. ghostface tries to sprint towards her but she manages to escape, it wasn't that far of a jump. they were on the top floor but she lived, she landed on her hand and foot. she goes running then notices Mia, yes, she's alive. "LAYLA-" Mia yells kinda holding her hand on her chest to hopefully stop the blood, "MIA" Layla runs to her and hugs her. "its- it's Aiden.. where's andrew-" Mia says kinds out of breath, but at least she's alive. "I don't know, I'd assume still inside.. we better go in... Aiden got Scarlett and-" as Layla was about to go in to check on andrew Mia stops Layla turns around "what? are you okay?"
"it all makes sense now.." Mia says looking at Layla. "what does?" Layla asks in confusion. "there's always 2 killers.. andrew was suspicious this entire time, even more then Aiden.." Mia states. Layla doesn't know what to say, it's kinda confusing. Mia continues with "Aiden was attacked, it was probably to throw us off. but there HAS to be 2 killers.." Layla sighs, Mia could be right but if she's not then there risking a friend. Mia puts her hand on Laylas shoulder "but, I think we should fight. for Scarlett, levi, Margo, and... Hazel..." she said kinda tearing up at the last part. Layla hugs her "are you sure ur okay? ur bleeding bad"
"yeah, I'm ready to kill a bitch." Mia says with confidence and Layla slightly smiles and says "honestly.. If we die, I just wanna say I'm sorry for shutting you out. your my best friend and you didn't deserve that, I was just scared I'd lose you, but I should have been more focused on protecting your life then protecting my emotions. you haven't done anything but be there for me and I'm greatful for that" she starts to get out of breath bc she just said it so casually, "Layla no, I was never mad at you for that. I just hated how we weren't as close anymore, at least it felt like that" Mia says as she looks on the ground. Layla hugs her again "yeah I know, I'm sorry. if we live this then, I promise not to shut you out-" she comtinues
Mia smiles and nods. "now let's go get a bitch.." she says. they both go in mias house, Mia lives there so the killer(s) probably would have assumed Layla would come back, especially if she doesn't know Mia "died" although she's clearly alive. something comes behind Layla and swings the sword at her but Mia pushes her out of the way, it was a ghostface. "Aiden we already know your idently, just take it off" Mia says, the killer just nods, and takes it off, revealing to be andrew. "fucking knew it-" says Mia. andrew starts laughing and Aiden comes behind him. "hello, friends, and how the hell are you alive Mia?" you only stabbed me once.." Mia says, aiden rolls his eyes Layla whispers to herself "god I didn't expect the killers to be this lame"
"if killing Levi, Liam, Scarlett, etc is lame, damn what did the other killers do?" Aiden says.
"and killing Hazel, it was pretty easy really, I just waited for a few time to pass then I snuck out the back, came through the front and got her. she was soo annoying- when I said mario cart, I meant "carting" her throat" andrew says as he laughs. Mia notices this and starts to feel her heart tear up. "fuck you and your little boyfriend" Mia says looking at andrew. Mia and Layla didn't know what to do, Layla had a gun in her pocket, she actually came prepared but she wasn't sure if she could point it at them in time. "what was the point of all of this? killing Inoccent people?" Layla says looking at them. andrew explains "oh hun... me and Aiden always loved horror movies, we would kill to be in one, but when you told everyone in the group about your trauma we decided why not bring it back? so yeah, we wanted Lucas to be apart of it but knew he wouldn't agree, so had to get him out to"

"yeah.. but I still won't forgive you for cutting my leg.." Aiden says.

"IT WAS THE ONLY WAY TO GET YOU OFF THE SUSPECT LIST" andrew yells looking at him. "whatever.." Aiden whispers under his breath. suddenly, Layla pulls out her gun and shoots Aiden 2 times in the stomach, he was obviously dead but what makes his death more epic is he fell backwards into this tool, the tool fell on him and cut his head off. as Layla was about to shoot andrew she realized she's out of bullets "fuck-" she pulls Mia away and they run upstairs. "come on hun, don't ruin the fun.." andrew says. Mia had an idea. they run into mias room, but Mia realized something "hide under the bed, this one's mine." Mia says looking at Layla, Layla was hesitating but was sure Mia knew what she was doing, so she hid. once andrew comes in mias room he looks at her and tilts his head "where'd Layla go?" he says. "oh I don't know, why not come and see?" Mia says so confident she knows what she's doing, as andrew steps in the room Mia sprins towards him pushing him against the wall. "let me fucking go" andrew says as he flips her over and was trying to press the knife into her, it was on the bed so Layla had no idea what was going on. Mia pushes him over once again, she broke his head with the glass "feel familiar? your boyfriend killed Levi that way." Mia says. his face was gushing blood "dont.. don't do this.. I'm sorry about Hazel, im sorry I'm sorr-" before he could finish she pushed him out of the window. "is he actually dead?" layla says getting out from under the bed. "I don't know, only one way to find out" Mia says. they go down the stairs and outside, they would have shot him in the head but Layla was out of bullets, so Mia stabbed his throat "hope you know how it fucking feels now." Mia says getting up. "I'm sorry about Hazel.." layla says. "it's not your fault, but I don't think I'll ever recover from it." Mia says with a sad look in her eyes, Layla pulls her in for a hug. "we should get you hospitalized.." Layla says as she notices Mia is still cut pretty badly, Mia nods and they leave.

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