Blind love

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Leah had always known that she was an Omega in the world of Kpop, but she never believed that she would find her mate in the same industry. However, fate had other plans for her.

One day, Leah met Asher, a rising Kpop artist who was known for his captivating voice and charming personality. From the moment they met, Leah felt a deep connection with him, and Asher seemed to feel the same way. He treated her like his mate, always protective and loving towards her.

For a while, Leah was in bliss, feeling like she had finally found her true mate. But then, things started to change. Asher began to act distant and aloof towards her, and Leah couldn't understand why. She tried to talk to him about it, but he always brushed her off, saying that he was just busy with work.

It wasn't until Leah overheard a conversation between Asher and his manager one day that she realized the truth. Asher was in love with another Omega named Ashley, and he had been leading Leah on this whole time.

Leah was devastated. She had never felt so betrayed and heartbroken in her life. She confronted Asher, demanding to know why he had treated her so poorly. Asher tried to let her down gently, telling her that he still cared for her but that he was in love with Ashley and couldn't deny his feelings.

Leah knew that she had to move on, but it was easier said than done. She couldn't help but feel like she had been used and discarded by Asher, and the thought of him with someone else made her physically ill.

It took time, but eventually, Leah was able to pick herself up and move on even if it did hurt. She realized that she shouldn't need a mate to be happy, and that she was strong enough to stand on her own. And who knows? Maybe one day she'll find someone who truly deserves her love and affection.

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