rody x deku

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This AU is where rody gose to UA 😘👍

Once upon a time in UA High School, Rody and Deku had been dating for a while secretly. They had decided to keep their relationship a secret from everyone in class 1 A because they didn't want to deal with gossip spreading through the class. They wanted to keep it private and special between them.

For a while, they were able to keep their relationship under the radar. They would steal kisses and hold hands when no one was looking. But one fateful day, Uraraka caught them holding hands and her face turned green with jealousy.

Uraraka had always had a crush on Deku, and seeing him with Rody made her jealous. She couldn't believe that they had been dating and keeping it from the rest of the class. Uraraka decided to confront Deku about his relationship with Rody, but Deku simply shrugged and told her that he didn't think it was anyone's business but his own.

Rody, however, was quick to pacify Uraraka's fears. He told her that he  didn't want to hurt her, and that he hoped they could still be friends. Uraraka, while still hurt and jealous, appreciated Rody's honesty and sincerity.

As news of their relationship spread throughout the class, many of their classmates were surprised, but most were supportive. They congratulated Rody and Deku on their relationship and told them how happy they were for them.

Rody and Deku continued to date, happy and content in their love for each other. They didn't let the opinions of others get in the way of their happiness, and their relationship only grew stronger as a result. Eventually, Uraraka came to terms with her own feelings and moved on, realizing that she had other things in her life that mattered more than her crush on Deku.

And so, Rody and Deku continued to live their lives, happy and in love, with the support of their friends and classmates. Their relationship may have been a secret at first, but it ended up being a source of strength and happiness for everyone

HELP oml this one is rlly bad it gets better I swr 😭

368 Words

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