todoroki x bakugo x deku

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Kinda soulmate au?

In UA High School, Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki discovered that they were actually soulmates. They felt a deep, unexplainable connection towards each other that nobody else in their class could understand. However, they had decided not to tell anyone else about their relationship simply because they didn't think their peers would understand.

Despite keeping their relationship a secret, Todoroki sometimes felt like he wanted to tell their classmates about them being soulmates. He felt that their relationship was too special to keep it hidden from everyone else. However, Bakugou and Deku always talked him out of it, telling him that it was better to keep it to themselves and avoid any potential drama.

One afternoon, while Bakugou, Deku, and Todoroki hung out in their dorm room, they began to feel comfortable enough to show their love towards each other. Todoroki reached out and took Deku's hand, with Bakugou putting his hand on top of theirs. Before long, they leaned in and shared a soft, sweet kiss.

Unbeknownst to them, their classmate Kirishima had accidentally walked in on them. He realized what was happening and panic set in as he tried to back out quietly. However, he stumbled and made a noise, which got the attention of the trio.

Kirishima quickly apologized and left, leaving the three boys bewildered and embarrassed that they had just been caught. For a few moments, there was just silence until Todoroki finally spoke up.

"I think we should tell everyone."

Bakugou instantly disagreed, "What the hell! Why would you wanna do that?"

But Deku was open to the idea. "I agree that it might be better if we come clean about it, Todoroki. We can't hide our love forever."

After a long discussion, they finally agreed that they would tell their classmates about their soulmate connection. Unfortunately, not everyone was accepting of their relationship. Some students were shocked and confused, while others were outright disgusted by it.

Deku was especially hurt by the negative reactions. He had always been one to care deeply about what others thought of him, but Bakugou was quick to step in and defend both him and Todoroki. Todoroki, on the other hand, became unresponsive and distant. Bakugou wouldn't allow that to happen.

He took Todoroki aside and talked to him. Bakugou reminded him of the love they shared and how perfect they were as a trio. Eventually, Todoroki worked through his feelings and came back around.

With Bakugou's support, Deku's resiliency, and Todoroki's self-awareness, they were able to work through the stigma surrounding their relationship. Their classmates slowly began to accept it and support them, and soon enough, it wasn't a big deal anymore. The trio was happy and content, knowing that they had each other's love and support forever.

Ok this one a birthday better but I still hate it lol

480 Words🤗

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