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"You wanted to see me?" Valentina spoke softly as she stood confused at the door frame, Eder and Rodrygo no longer in the room with him.

Viní turned his head to the woman and nodded in reply. He was now sitting at the edge of the bed, his two feet planted on the ground. He then signalled for her to come and sit on the bed, patting the spot beside him.

She'd silently obey, making her way over to the bed and seating herself where he'd directed just before.

"Sorry about those two, they can be insensitive at times." Viní spoke, his eyes of coal practically piercing through her own chestnut eyes.

"What do you mean?" She tried to act clueless as her eyes parted from their shortly held gaze. After all, the last thing that she'd needed now was for him to know that she already had a bad moment on her first day here.

"You know what I mean... More importantly though, are you okay now?" He asked with a tone full of empathy, his eyes staying fixed on her.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." She assured, finding it in herself to look back at him again.

It was then that it struck him. Her eyes were truly captivating, something that anyone could get lost in for eternity. He couldn't help but keep staring without even mustering a reply.

Valentina rather quickly took notice to the fact that he was holding eye contact without a single word leaving his mouth. It made a bright smile spread across her face, which he returned.

By now, it was mutual that the pair had a hold on eachother. Despite the fact they'd known eachother for such a short amount of time, they felt as if they knew anything and everything about one another, even though they didn't.

Viní's eyes fixed their gaze to her lips. They were plump, alluring - possibly even irresistible to say the least.

The two of them collectively began to lean in closer towards one another. Subconsciously, that is.

Their faces were now only centimetres apart, both of their eyes now flickering back and forth between one another's lips, neither of them sure on if this was the right decision.

Vinícius was the one to make the next significant move. He wanted her, he needed her - he had to have her. Viní hesitantly cupped the right side of her face with his right hand, closing the small gap that seperated the two of them as their lips anticipantly met.

And then, somewhere below this, their heart's reacting.

Not a thump or race exactly. Not even a leap. But a type of pleasant swish, like a frog in the motion of elegantly kicking off from a muddy bank. Their hearts, that same amphibian, moving that moment between two elements: one, excitement; the other, worry.

Their heads naturally tilted to opposite sides as the kiss slowly deepened, each one of them eager and longing for one another massively.

All was euphoric until Valentina pulled away as she stated: "This is amazing, really, but I don't want to be that girl who works with a bunch of guys and gets pla-"

He'd interrupted her blabber by connecting their lips again. This time, it only lasting a brief second.

"If it's amazing, why don't you relax and enjoy it?" Viní suggested with an added smile, his other hand now cupping her other cheek as he studied every small detail displayed on her face.

"You're right." She breathed, surrendering herself to him. As this time, she went in for the kiss.

Here they were again, third time lucky, right?

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