Chapter 11 - Chaotic Duo

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Saturday 4th December

Third Person Pov

"You son of a-" Suna pauses as he realizes that Osamu is on a face time with someone

He points at the iPad and nods his head up

"It's Akaashi" Osamu says

"Oh, that's fine then, where was I? Oh right! You son of a bitch! How could you put pictures up of me on your Instagram?" Suna exclaimed

Akaashi watches Rintarou walk into the frame on the video call and flick Osamu in the head

"Wait I'm sorry" Osamu puts his hand up in surrender "I won't do it again"

"Good. I hope so" Suna turns to the iPad to see Akaashi with a concerned look on his face "Oh hey Akaashi"

"Hi Suna-kun" He smiles awkwardly

"You saw it with your own eyes Keiji, Suna is bullying me" Osamu exaggerates

"You're becoming more like your brother, day by day" Suna teased

"No, I'm not. Don't say that!"

Akaashi chuckles "To be honest, you are"

"I thought you would be on my side"

Suna looks down at the counter to see flour and sugar in a bowl "What are you making?" He eyed Osamu

"Brownies for Akaashi's birthday tomorrow"


"Suna, are you coming tomorrow?" Akaashi asks

"I'll try my best to"

Osamu sighed "He will definitely come. I will drag him if I have to" He glares at the brunette

"Why are you making that face" Suna looked disgusted

There was a huge bang, that came from Akaashi's side

"What happened?" Osamu questioned looking at the screen

"Ok it's just Bokuto and Atsumu"

"Ah makes sense, but why the hell are they together?"

"I don't even know" Akaashi rubs his temple "I should get going before they break something else"

"Alright see ya"


Samu closes the iPad and places it on the chair "What did he mean by something else?"

"Oh right you weren't there during the call"

Osamu raises an eyebrow

"The two broke a whole ass table while moving it"

"They did what?"

"Yeah" Suna kept blinking

"To be honest, I'm not even surprised" Osamu went to grab some butter from the fridge "It's always them two" He shook his head

Osamu attempted to open the microwave but his fingers slip due to the butter

"Need some help?"

"Yes please"

Suna walked over to Osamu and pressed the open button. The gray-haired boy placed the bowl of butter into the microwave and shut the door "30 seconds"

Suna presses the button and it starts

After the two finished making the brownie batter, they placed it in the oven and sat down on the couch

"Do you want to watch a movie while we wait?" Osamu suggests


He grabs the remote and scrolls through the options of films "Any in mind?"

"Not really" Suna replies

They decide to watch spy kids because they both haven't seen it since they were children

Osamu stares at Suna with his full hefty eyes

Rintarou feels the boy's eyes on him and turns "What is it?"

"Oh nothing" he plays off

"Then why were you staring at me like you wanted to burn holes into my head"

"You always do that to me"

"That's because everything you do is concerning"

"Suna, you are the concerning one"

"Says the one who's always crying about work"

"Says the one who only has 'no' in their vocabularies"

"Says the one who can't pick out one toy from a children's game"

"Says the one who thinks being moody is a personality"

The door starts to unlock. The two boys look behind them to see Atsumu and Sakusa enter through the door

"Mmm, what's that smell?" Atsumu exclaims

"Nothing that concerns you" Osamu Answers, looking at his brother up and down "Why do you have paint all over you?"

Atsumu takes off his jacket and places it in the laundry basket "Me and Bokuto were painting something for Akaashi, then we spilled the paint everywhere"

Suna and Osamu share a look "That's what that noise was probably" the brunette's lips straighten

Sakusa plots down next to Suna and starts to massage his forehead.

"What happened to you?" Rintarou questions "You look like you've been through life in one day"

"I think I have" Sakusa rolls his eyes "I want to quit."

"It was that bad?"

"I was told to look after one idiot so why was I Watching the owl head too?" Kiyoomi sighs

Atsumu ran over to his bodyguard "Omi you can't!"

Osamu's lip turned into a smirk "I thought you didn't want a bodyguard Tsumu?" He snickers

"I don't, but-"

He gets cut off by his brother "But I Want Omi Omi to stay with me forever because I can't live without him" Osamu mimics

"Shut the fuck up Samu!" Atsumu blushes

"I think I just threw up inside" Suna interferes

"Same" Sakusa covers his mouth with his hand

"What about you Suna? I know you like someone" The blondie winks

"I swear to god Atsumu! If you bring that up again!" Suna stands up

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry " He places his hands in front of him

Osamu had a confused look on his face "Who do you like?"

"No one! These idiots keep bringing it up for no reason"

The blonde twin grins "Are you sure??"

"Atsumu!" Suna says bluntly as runs after him


Let's just pretend there were chapters before this where Osasuna and Sakuatsu hung out because I forgot all about it

914 Words

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