Chapter 25 - Fake

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Third Person Pov

Sakusa plopped down on the couch, leaning back and glancing at Suna. "So, What went down this time?"

Suna let out a heavy sigh and took a seat opposite him. "It's so embarrassing, I can't-"

"Just spill it. I've heard worse," Sakusa urged, leaning forward with a raised eyebrow

Suna paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "Well, me and Osamu had this little, moment..."

Sakusa's interest was piqued, and he sat up straight. "What do you mean, 'moment'?"

Suna ran a hand through his hair, a hint of frustration in his voice. "He kissed me..."

Sakusa's eyes widened slightly. "Was there, like, any feelings involved?"

Suna shook his head. "No. It was just, a one-time thing"

Sakura leaned back, relaxing. "Then it's all good, right?"

Suna slumped in his seat, burying his face in his hands. "But here's the thing—I kissed him back. Now he probably thinks I'm into him."

Sakusa eyes widened. "Just reject him. You're not the type to beat around the bush."

Suna looked up, a hint of anxiety in his eyes. "Yeah, but if I do that, he might become all distant And all the effort I put into our friendship will go down the drain."

Sakusa placed a hand on his knee, contemplating. "Fine, then. Date him."

Suna's eyes widened. "What? No way! You know I hate relationships."

Sakusa shrugged nonchalantly. "Fake date."

Suna shook his head vehemently. "I still don't like the idea"

Sakusa tilted his head, curious. "Well, then what the heck are you gonna do?"

Suna groaned in frustration. "I don't know! Help me figure it out!"

Sakusa stood up, brushing off his pants. "Look, you do you. But remember, you signed that contract with HAHQ, and you better not bail on me."
"my idea of help from above is a sniper on the roof. So don't do anything stupid because I need you"

Suna sighed and waved him towards the door. "Yeah, yeah, now get outta here."

Sakusa smirked. "You're such a Pussy."

"I'll sort out my own life, thank you very much. Now go back to your little blondie," Suna retorted, pushing Sakusa toward the door

Sakusa began "We're not actually dat-"

His reply was cut off by the door shutting firmly.

Suna slumped back onto the couch, his head hanging over the armrest. He mulled over Sakusa's words, torn between guilt and uncertainty. Why did he feel like he couldn't go through with a fake relationship with Osamu?

Suna closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind and figure out his next move. The weight of his choices rested heavily on his chest, and he knew he had to make a decision soon

I've been so busy for the past few weeks that I have forgotten to update this! Just when things were getting interesting, but anyways, 3 chapters here because I missed a month

484 Words

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