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The general dragged you through the halls in pure rage, you just kind of let it happen.

The woman dragged you all the way to her bedroom and then she finally let go of your hand.

Then after you entered the room she slammed the door shut.

The icy woman tried to calm her breathing which wasn't working too well.

"General?" You said quietly.

"What." The woman's icy cold eyes landed on you.

"I uh.. what happened?" You asked

"That thirsty prime minister tried to land his filthy hands on me!" She exclaimed.

You knew you couldn't do anything about it but you really wanted to punch the prime minister right now.

The woman lifted you chin up to her.

"How does that make you feel?" She asked

"How does what make me feel?" You were slightly confused.

"Another's hands on me?" Esdeath smirked.

"It well.. uhm, makes me upset.." You said

"Kiss me." The woman said randomly

You blushed.

"W-what?" You protested

"I've kissed you haven't I? Now you kiss me." She said blatantly.

You stood there for a second not knowing what to do.

"Well?" Esdeath said impatiently.

You put your hands around the generals neck and kissed her on the cheek.

It was a quick peck, you then took a step back.

The general looked quite surprised but then she smiled.

"I love you" esdeath said.

Now it was your turn to look at her with shock, but you didn't say it back it felt too soon.

Then the general grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room

"W-where are we going?" You asked.

"On a date!" Esdeath said excitedly.

"A... date?" Your brain took a bit to process what she just said.

After walking around town for a bit the general found a place for you both to eat.

You sat down across from her and let her order for you since you didn't know what you wanted to eat.

There was a single guard with you and Esdeath.

suddenly a drunky came up and touched your shoulder, the general didn't see this as she was still ordering.

"Hey cutie wanna come with me?" He said with a perverted smile.

"Please get off me" you said quietly.

"What was that" he asked.

The waitress walked away and the general finally saw what was going on.

Swiftly she made an ice cycle the form of a sword and put it against the man's neck.

"Who the hell do you think your touching?" She asked in a cold tone.

"I'm just asking if she wants to have fun" the man shrugged.

Not even a second later the woman sliced his throat open, and the man fell to the floor.

The guard that was with you both grabbed the body and dragged it out of the restaurant.

Esdeath sat back down in her seat.

The rest of the night was pretty quiet there was not a lot of talking except for the casual small talk.

Soon the both of you headed back to the castle and went to sleep.

Word count (517)

The Ice Queen (Esdeath x Fem)Where stories live. Discover now