Competition Day

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Hana opens her eyes. She turns over and sees Ryo fast asleep. As she smiled and chuckled softly, Hana began dressing for the day. She comes out of the restroom and grabs a fruit to eat before sitting on the corner of her bed.  While eating, Ryo was beginning to wake up from deep slumber.  He turns to face Hana. The first thing he sees is Hana eating her fruit. 

" Good Morning Hana."

" Morning Ryo. Don't stay in bed for too long. We have to be at the competition before the road is blocked"

" Alright."

He gets up from the couch and goes to get changed in the bathroom. Hana finishes her fruit and stands up to stretch. Ryo eats the fruit quickly and puts his sword on his back. Both of them begin to walk to the stables to grab their horses. Hana climbs on Cal and puts on her mask. Ryo climbs on his horse. Both of them begin to ride head down the main street next to the temple of the ocean.

 They make it to the main street next to the temple. On the main street, there are so many people. Children, men, and women walking around for the competition. Stands of food and drinks are everywhere. All you could hear were the noises of people talking, children playing games, men talking about bets, the hooves of the horses on the stone road. A large square is blocked off. No one is allowed in the square. The announcer that took their names for the competition having conversations with the people of Grelas. There were other people around the square with numbers on. Hana puts on her mask. Both Hana and Ryo put their numbers on.

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