Number 58

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Hana begins to walk forward. She walks to the center of the square and bows down. She stands up and speaks loudly since she has a mask on. " MY NAME IS HANA YUKIMURA!"

The crowd begins to whisper. " A Yukimura? I thought they never came down here to Echea. It's been ten years since the Yukimura's came by. "

" There she is. I still can't tell who her mother is. That mask is doing well for her to keep her identity hidden." Jerkrosho spoke up with a smirk.

" Indeed. Let's see how she handles this." Volkro spoke.

The illusion swings its ax forward showing its weapon. Hana grabs her swords and gets in a stance position. The illusion charges and jumps in the air. The ax swings downwards towards Hana. 

She looks up quickly and blocks the ax with her swords. The sound of metal clashing was so loud enough to be heard from miles away. Red sparks flashed when both swords and ax clashed. The crowd gasps in shock. 

Hana is sent back sliding on her feet. The illusion slides back and falls. Hana stands up quickly and runs towards the illusion. The illusion throws its ax at Hana. As she catches the ax with her remaining energy she throws it back at the illusion. The ax hits square in the middle of the illusions chest. 

Hana jumps in the air and throws one of her swords at the illusion. The speed that the sword was thrown at was so fast that it sounded like a loud whistle. The sword slices the illusions neck from the front and sticks into the ground.The illusions head falls off. *THUD* The crowd roars in cheers and excitement. Hana walks to grab her sword. She pulls it out of the stone ground. Hana sees a little girl smiling at her in the crowd. She winks and walks back to the other side of the square.

Ryo stares blankly at Hana. Hana chuckles.

" You were saying Ryo?" Hana spoke and snickered.

" Well I am very impressed with you Hana. I think the Advisors will choose you." Ryo smiled as he spoke.

" Who cares what the advisors think of me. We just need the money to survive." 

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