Who drives?

30 3 3

*Sarai on the front seat, Micah on the backseat and James driving*

James: Uh, I think we're on the wrong way-

Sarai: of course we are

*Loud crash*

Micah: James what the fuck you just hit someone.

James, lowering the window on Sarai's side: I apologize for this Mrs. Nassif

Sarai: You owe me mone- Oh hey Nina!

Nina,processing wtf just happened: Fuck it I'm driving

James: Sure, so where's Kieran?

Nina: You just hit him

James: How'd you know I was gay?

Nina: What.

Sarai: She stated that you ran over Kieran with the car, and what.

James: I MEANT-

Micah: Y'all are so fake for not knowing that, anyways put Kieran on the trunk

Roadtrip to Hell and Back / DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now