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*tree falls in front of them*

James: Well fu-

Sarai: James, you've been swearing for a while now please stop

Nina: Its alright everyone, we'll just move the tree

Micah,just woke up: Who's us?

*Loud banging from the trunk*

Nina: Everyone get out

Sarai: Oh its not that big so with the power of frien-

Nina: Mrs Nassif, that word is inequivalent in the crow's trial universe

Sarai: Fine, with the power of whatever we are, we can push this tree aside successfully!

*Louder banging from the trunk*

James: Well what are we waiting for?

Micah,just opened the trunk: There's no me in ‘we’, so Kieran will take my place

Kieran: Let me get this straight, Nina tried to torture me to join this shit, James ran over me and didn't even took me to the hospital and trapped me in the trunk INSTEAD

Nina: Hey Kieran....

Kieran: Ugh fine, I'll help

James: Hot as always Kieran 😏

Sarai: What the hell James

James: It was a joke, I ship Nina and Kieran:)

Nina: Guys, five minutes have passed and we haven't started pushing the tree off the road yet...

Kieran: Move.

Roadtrip to Hell and Back / DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now