Trick Question

18 2 1

Kieran: Kevin woke up and came down the kitchen and went out to buy some breakfast and then he went to the nearest convenience store to buy some food and he went home and ate a canned good, what did he opened first?

Micah: I'm getting deja vu

Sarai: I know this is a trick question....

Sarai: Base on my paranormal abnormal critical illogical authentic synthetic genetic magnetic electric research institution with combination of transportation to mix solar skill

Sarai: Its the door

Kieran: ...

Kieran: sorry hun, but he just woke up so of course he opened his eyes first

Sarai: ...

Sarai: GODDFUCKING DAMMIT WHY DO I SUCK AT THIS?!!?!?!?! *cries and circles herself in the corner*

Nina: Great, thanks a lot Kieran 😐

Kieran: knew the answer didn't you Micah?

Micah: Yeah, and this drama too so I didn't answer

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