☆ hop step jump

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A figure stands at the gate of Kamiyama High, he looks around now and then, clearly searching for someone, and that person seems to be taking longer that he thought

he waits a few more minutes, but he can't help but think, 'what if he forgot about me?', after all they've only started dating recently

just then a voice calls out to him
"Sorry to keep you waiting Rui! "

The boy at the gate, Rui,raises his head and is rescued from his own negative thoughts by the voice of his now boyfriend, Toya

"The teacher asked me to help them with something, sorry"

"it's quite alright Toya, well then shall we  get going? " Rui says while extending his hand,

Toya accepts the invitation to hold hands and they make their way though the city, it was spring so the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, the petals can be seen traveling with the breeze every now and then

They decide to take a detour to the park to see the beautiful cherry blossoms up close

the two boys walk side by side, holding hands, while the sun glimmers through the spaces between the leaves of the blossoms, the setting sun kissing their figures gently

it looked like a scene straight out of a romance movie

While enjoying each other's company and chatting away they eventually make their way to a somewhat secluded but by no means dangerous neighborhood, a few kids play hopscotch on the road

Rui has a mischievous grin on his face, 'what exactly is he thinking', wonders Toya

Rui walks closer to the kids with a warm smile

"Can i play with you guys? " Rui asks politely to the little kids

The little kids excited that someone so much older than them wanted to play with them,they excitedly agree and welcome him warmly and hand him a little stone

Rui throws the rock on the square with the 1 written on it, he hops steps and jumps

Toya can't help but smile seeing his boyfriend happily playing with kids as if he was their age, he can't help but imagine what Rui was like as a child, maybe one they he'll show him a picture of himself when he was a kid

a few minutes pass and Rui makes it to the final square with the number 10 written on it without losing his turn once

the kids seem a little upset they hit him playfully whilst  declaring "no fair! no fair" but Rui just smiles and laughs

"You seem really good at hopscotch Rui"

"hmm? Yeah i suppose so, since Nene was my only friend we used to play with each other a lot, there was a time where she was obsessed with playing hopscotch so we ended up playing everyday"

"So i assume thats where you got so good? "

Rui nods

"Well its not a very difficult game so my skills are nothing to be amazed with really"

he pauses for a second and his face lights up, you could almost see a lightbulb appear near his head, he had an idea

"Why dont you try it too Toya? " Rui suggest excitedly

"Me? i can't... I've never played before and i don't even know the rules, i never really played outside as a kid"

Rui walks closer to Toya with a gentle smile

"There's a first time for everything Toya, come on I'll teach you" Rui takes the younger boy's hand and guides him closer to the markings written on the road

Rui gives Toya a quick explanation and gives him the pebble

"Ah i see, so you throw the rocks in the numbers and try to hop in the boxes without stepping on the lines or tripping until you reach 10? simple enough...I'll try my best"

Toya throws the pebble on the first box, he hops the the next to numbers, as he tries to hop on to the box with the number '4' on it, he loses balance

and just as he's about to fall Rui grabs his wrist, but alas they both fell

even though the two boys fell to the ground they can't help but laugh and while looking into each other's eyes

"I guess i need a little more practice" Toya says with a smile

"i suppose so, I'll be happy to teach you if you'd like? "

"I would like that a lot"

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