Go away Malfoy

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Adora's P.O.V.
I was walking to potions class when I ran into Malfoy. Of course I was called names because he seems to hate me more than the rest of the people I hang out with. I'm just glad my brother wasn't there or he probably would have hexed him. Oh great I spoke to soon look who it is my brother coming to cause more problems.
Harry's P.O.V.
I was walking to my DADA class when I saw Malfoy yelling at Adora
"Hey Malfoy what makes you think you can talk to my sister that way" I ask him.
"For once why can't you just mind your own business Potter" he replies to me.
"Because that is my sister and you have no right to treat her like that". I reply getting angry
"Harry just stop and Just go away Malfoy" Adora yells whoa I have never in my life heard her yell like that.
Adora's P.O.V.
Wow I'm pretty proud of myself for that I didn't think it was possible for me to get that angry. I do not want to be late to potions Snape will kill me but, my problem is what I was thinking I couldn't like Malfoy could I. Oh great I forgot we have potions together.
"Why are you two late"professor Snape asked Malfoy and I
"I'm sorry professor" I tell him
"Sorry doesn't turn back time Potter detention both of you" Snape says great I have to spend an hour with him you like him my mind reminds me
Draco's P.O.V.
I was trying so hard to hide my excitement I just can't help the fact that every time I see her my heart flutters.
"As I was saying before I was rudely interupted was today we are making the liquid luck potion" Snape said if I ever had a chance with someone like Adora. I have to get self confidence
Adora's P.O.V.
I have no idea what to do I can't stop staring at Draco his gorgeous gray silver eyes and his perfect face. Dammit I need to stop my self I don't know what I am saying. He looks so hot when he is concentrated oh great here I go again. So we have to stay after class to find out what our punishment for being late is. Snape told us we had to clean out one of the storage rooms.
So how did I do I hope you like it so far but pls vote and comment what you think i would love to see your opinion
P.S. they are in sixth year and Snape is still potions master
P.P.S. Qotd what house are you in?
I am Slytherin

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