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Harry's P.O.V.
Adora has been acting really weird lately. She is always smiling and happy. She has been so happy she doesn't even fight with Malfoy anymore.I really should talk to her to find out whats going on.I am going to look for her.
Adora's P.O.V.
Dray and I were walking to the library to try to find a book that has info on the vanishing cabinet
"I have no clue where to even start Dray" I tell him
"I know but we will figure it out ok?" he replies wrapping his arm around my waist
"Ok I love you Draco you know that" I tell him
"I love you too Adora"
Harry's P.O.V
After asking multiple people if they have seen her I decide to look in the library. As I approach the library doors and walk in not seeing any thing at first.
Until I hear Adora say "No Draco" and then something else afterwards I couldn't hear.I walk towards where I heard her say it.

"Hey Malfoy leave my sister alone" I yell
"Harry he wasn't doing anything leave him alone" Adora said
"He was obviously doing something wrong I heard you say no Draco" I tell her
"Well I am obviously fine Harry he didn't do anything" she yells back
"Well I'm sorry for trying to protect you from this filthy death eater"I scream at her
Adora's P.O.V.
I flinch when Harry screams and calls him a death eater. Draco notices because he puts an arm around my waist and pulls me close to him.
"I would appreciate if you didn't yell at her"Draco says in anger

"Well I would appreciate it if a filthy death eater wouldn't touch my sister" Harry yells back to Draco
"Harry why can't you just leave him alone he is not a filthy death eater and I would appreciate it if you would stop calling my boyfriend that" I yell back at Harry
"You are just as bad as him by falling for his tricks thinking he actually likes you he's a Malfoy thats what they do trick people" He yells at me and I feel Dray's grip tighten
"Well Harry if thats so you are so much worse than him because he at least thinks about how I feel and he makes sure I am happy and he cares about me unlike you" I spat while sobbing
"Hey baby I think it's time we leave" I hear Dray whisper in my ear all I do is nod my head and we start to walk away
"Mum and Dad would be disappointed in you" I hear Harry say
"No Potter I think your parents would be more disappointed in the fact that you don't support your sister and don't care about how she feels" Draco turns around and tells Harry
"Well whatever then Adora just so you know you are no longer my sister until you get you're head screwed on the correct way." he tells me hurting me even more than he already did
"Fine then goodbye Potter" I say grabbing Dray's hand and walking away.
So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't give up on me as a writer just yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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