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My view obscures momentarily as I pass through the clouds. The light mist sticks to my skin, cooling off the sweat that's formed from overthinking and stressing over things yet to come.
I focus on my environment. The leather strap that sits tightly in my grip, the feel of the leather saddle below me, the wind on my face, the sky that's fading from blue to gray as the rain approaches, and lastly, the dragon scales that I feel as rest my hands on the large body I'm currently riding.
My trusted dragon, raised him from the time he hatched from his egg to now. Fully grown and the largest dragon of them all, just at three years old. The rest of my team follows behind me as we make our way through the now heavy pouring rain.
Besides the additional years added onto Hogwarts curriculum, I wonder what else has changed in my absence.
It's been four years since I packed up my things to join Charlie in Romania. A lot can change in such a short time.
The only thing now, that truly weighs heavy on my mind as we draw nearer is, I hope he can forgive me.
When the time comes, I'll ask for forgiveness.
It's just up to him, if he'll grant me that..

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