Chapter Two: Y/N

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As the early evening came to an end, I slipped from the common room, wanting to walk around and see the sights of the school I once called home.
Everything's the same as it was before, the only thing different are my classmates. Matured, and excelling in whatever skill they chose years prior.
As I make my way through the chilled corridors, the few students who are out and about lift their hands and wave, or send small welcoming smiles in my direction.
When I was young, I never considered myself 'popular' but I wasn't an outcast either. I had friends, who all seemed to have missed me during the time I was away. Draco and Blaise, who I corresponded with often through letters, were most pleased to have me back. Even if it's only for one term. It felt good to speak with them, in person, rather than reading things off a bit of parchment. I almost didn't want to say good evening to them, when I wanted some time alone. But, I knew I needed this.
They understood of course, being the most level headed and open minded about everything. After poking my head into the Owlery, I retraced my steps and headed towards my favorite place in the school.
The library.
Madam Pince greets me quietly as I come in, curling the corner of my mouth up in a small smile before making my way past her. Apart from myself, and Ms. Pince, the library is empty.
As I gaze over the many Herbology books, trying to find one I haven't read or re-read, the library door opens and I pay no mind to it. Halfway through skimming the pages, a familiar voice sounded from the front of the room. It's one I haven't heard in ages, apart from the small welcome I was given earlier this afternoon, it's one I could recognize almost anywhere.
"Good evening Severus. What can I assist you with today?"
Spoke the dark haired librarian.
"Yes actually. May I see the volume of data pertaining to Y/l/n?"
He spoke clearly and smoothly. His reply caught me completely off guard, curious as to why he needs to see my files. I went over the reasons one would request this and my mind came to the conclusion that, since I'll be back in his class starting tomorrow, he needs to know how far I am in potions. Probably doesn't want to teach me something I've already learned.
"Certainly. Just a moment."
I heard the many papers and drawers open and be shut again, and after a moments search, she answered.
"Hm. Here it shows that access to material specifically about y/l/n has been restricted."
Replied Madam Pince.
This doesn't shock me. My time away from Hogwarts wasn't easy, nor did it go well. I understand why the Headmaster would want certain information hidden. Especially if it's something that could get one into trouble, or raise suspicion.
"Even as one of their teachers? I'd understand if it was a Professor who didn't teach them."
He didn't sound angry, or even the slightest bit upset. Curiosity peaked as he took in this explanation.
"It seems that the only people who are capable of seeing these files are the Headmaster and y/l/n themself."
She replied evenly.
"Interesting. Thank you for your time."
Spoke Professor Snape.
The door open and closed again, letting me know that the potions Professor left. An annoying and pressing urge told me to follow him. If he was so interested in my files, he can ask me. Or, if I catch up to him, I'll just tell him.
I placed the large leather book back on the shelf and wished Madam Pince a lovely night before exiting. Up in the distance I can see Professor Snape heading upstairs. Most likely to the Headmasters office. I continued after him from a distance. Soundless so I wouldn't be caught following him.
My suspicions became true as he halted in front of the Phoenix that leads to the Headmaster office. Once he went up, I followed in pursuit until I stood in the small corridor outside of the large office. If one of them came out, I'd simply say I have a question. Dumbledore won't mind either way.
Despite the walls being thick and made from stone, I have heightened hearing. One of my many skills that have made me rather successful.
I stood breathless, listening carefully.
"Severus. What do I owe a visit from you at this hour?"
Questioned Dumbledore.
"What can you tell me about y/l/n? Their files are restricted."
He replied in the same manner as he did in the library. The room was silent for a moment as I'm assuming Dumbledore thought about his reply. And what he would and wouldn't say.
"Take a seat. This will take up a bit of time."
He suddenly commanded.
If you don't skip over the small and minute details of my life, it would take up a lot of time, and knowing the Headmaster, he isn't one to sugarcoat. Especially when they have all night.
"First things first. The injury to their eye.."
He began.
"Within the first year at their new school, a fight broke out between y/n and another student. The cause is unknown. That would have to be a question for y/n. The student who attacked them brought a blade, the whereabouts of who gave it to them is also unknown. Of course the school hushed it all up, made it seem like an accident rather than malicious intent. The child is walking free, a one days detention was all they received. It angers me knowing they suffered, receiving that scar and losing an eye while that child got a slap on the wrist."
The room went silent again, and I imagined Dumbledore shaking his head in disgust. At the time, the reason to our fight was serious, but as I grew up, I definitely didn't need to lose over it. The student was jealous over me getting ahead in our dragon studies, allowing me to get hands on training before them. My guess is they thought if I couldn't see, I wouldn't get anywhere with it.
The second incident didn't happen until two years later, y/n was about 15. One of the older trainers attacked y/n. All because they dropped a tool on their foot. I was told that trainer had anger problems, lashing out and snapping on others for no reason, one being this. Y/n over powered them and restrained them until a teacher could handle the rest. It definitely isn't the worst that could of happened but if y/n didn't stop them, who knows what they would of done."
Concluded the Headmaster. I heard a noise, which I guessed was a reply of sorts, or a sign to continue the story. So far Professor Snape doesn't seem too 'blown away' with my life story. I dropped my head, taking in the pattern of the ground as I remembered what event came next.
"I'm not sure if you're aware but the trainers who care for dragons from the time of their birth, tend to get imprinted on. The ones who don't, are slowly introduced to their new dragons a month after their birth. Growing and developing alongside each other."
Explained the older wizard. I remember the day my egg hatched. Rax's coal colored head popped out, meeting my gaze. We've been inseparable since. He's my best friend in the form of an animal.
"Another thing you must note is that, most dragons are loyal to one rider and one rider alone. If you introduce others to said dragon, they're a little more extroverted, and willing to take flight with a different rider. It all depends if the introductions were done correctly. If not, it's almost always fatal."
My stomach lurched, and I took in a deep breath. This very unfortunate day was something I was able to push away, and grieve from in my own way, but hearing the story again feels fresh. As if it just happened.
"For some reason, one particular day, two riders decided to switch dragons. One hopped on y/n's, which he didn't like, not one bit since he's only loyal to them. I don't know what went wrong once they all took flight but the other student who went up was killed. Y/n's dragon being the one to end their life."
He finished. The day turned chaotic. I was accused of many things that day but when the truth, with proof came about, I was able to walk away. I had no part. Even I don't know why they tested fate that day. My sweet boy Rax, was not punished as the Headmaster as well as the board knew the risks. Especially with the imprinting and the loyalty that comes with this large creatures.
I wiped my cheek quickly, even though no one's around to see. I wasn't too close with the kid who died, but it still burned. He had potential to be great, but one small mistake ended horribly. He was a recent rider, still in the process of meeting everyone's dragon. It was two days before our planned introduction where this took place which left me full of guilt.
"And lastly, the intense training y/n's been going through ever since they ran into the Dark Lord a year ago."
I'm snapped from my grief as I heard those two words.
The Dark Lord.
The only people who know the truth behind the two little words are my best friends, Blaise and Draco, especially with his family being rather involved. Mostly because of his father.
I'm highly skilled with a wand, but we've moved onto physical training, close combat. It might come in handy, and it might not. My team and I agreed that we should learn it.
Just in case.
The room was once again silent. I'm assuming this as Snape is taking in all this information, and probably putting 2 & 2 together in regards to particulars things.
During the quietness, a small task given to me by Minerva popped back into my head. In my earlier hours of walking the school, she stopped me and asked if I could retrieve some files from the Headmaster. She told me not to rush, but to pick them up when I could. I might as well since I'm already here. I waited patiently for another five minutes as the silence grew.
"So you see-."
I didn't hear Dumbledore speaking right away when I knocked. Which caused him to be cut off from his next statement.
"Come in."
His tired voice sounded through the door. I pushed it open and walked inside. From the corner of my eye, it looked as if Professor Snape felt like he was caught doing something he shouldn't. A strip of panic flashed in his eyes as he stared. Dumbledore was much more reserved, knowing him, he probably knew of my presence. Smart man he is.
"Here for those files Minerva requested, am I correct?"
Dumbledore asked as he pulled open a drawer. I simply nodded, trying not to draw attention to the deep stare I feel coming from my left. I watched as he removed a large vanilla colored folder from the inside of the desk, reaching forward to give them to me. I took the thick book from his hand, getting ready to turn and leave.
"Minerva also informed me that you had something you wanted to ask me? In regards to the tournament."
I froze. Remembering the conversation Minerva and I had for a short time after she asked me to get the files. We talked about the Tournament. She asked if I was going to toss my name in the Goblet, which I replied I'd like too but I'm not apart of any of the schools that are attending. She didn't say much more on the topic after that, and she almost bolted from the area. I assume that's when she snuck away to bring it up to Dumbledore.
Giving him a heads up.
"I'll come back."
I said quietly, a lump suddenly forming in my throat. I don't understand what's come over me. A sudden sense of panic started to grow. Is it because of those dark piercing eyes?
I turned away from the two Professors. My hand about to grip onto the bronze handle when the Headmaster spoke.
"You wanted to know if you could enter, is that right? Just because you transferred doesn't mean you aren't a Hogwarts students in the books you know?"
His voice sounded cheerful? Did they keep my information open in case I transferred back?
"You'll always be one of us y/n. Do remember that."
He said, his voice calm.
I didn't have anything else to say so I left. My action may seem rude to many, but the Headmaster is used to me being aloof. Even when I was young. Long after the doors shut behind me, I still felt that intense stare, just boring into my back. Even though he was in the office, right where I left him. I couldn't help but glance once behind me before setting off in a jog to McGonagall's office.
I didn't get rid of that feeling, even when I was curled up under my comforter. Listening to the snores of my mates from their own rooms. It took what felt like a long time before I drifted into unconsciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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