Chapter One: Severus

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"Thank you both for joining me."
Spoke the Headmaster. His fingers intertwine with the long graying beard that grows from his chin.
Minerva stands beside me as we wait for his next instructions.
"As you both know, with the Tri-Wizard Tournament, we'll be having students from other schools staying with us for the rest of the year."
He begins, leaning back in his chair.
"Apart from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning, we have Charlie's trusted team of dragon tamers coming as well. They will be here to help take care of the dragons as well as continue their school studies. I've already prepared their chambers since, unlike the other two schools, they don't have a ship or carriage to bunk in."
The Headmaster explained. Over the last four years, y/n, an old student of ours, made the sudden decision to transfer, and pursue their studies in dragon care and training. I haven't heard much of them since they left, which leaves me unsure if their still in Romania. My curiosity must of been evident because Dumbledore answered my unsaid question.
"Which, brings me back to you two.
Y/n, and the rest of the squad will be arriving momentarily and I'd like for you to be the ones to greet them since I'm needed in the Great Hall for introductions."
He concluded, pushing himself up from the large chair he's been occupying. I watched as he walked around the side of the large dark oak desk and is now standing in front of Minerva and myself.
"Bring them through to the entrance area outside of the Great Hall, and then join the rest of us. Inform them to wait there until I've called them in."
Was his last request before leaving through the double doors.
Minerva glanced at me at the same time I did, meeting her anxious and excited gaze. Neither of us spoke. I could tell she was trying to contain her enthusiasm, just like myself, I just hoped it wasn't as noticeable.
Outside, the storm roared. Bright blue and white light flashing across the sky, and then a loud bang of thunder followed shortly after. How is anyone able to see through this? Especially if you're flying?
Quidditch would be canceled for a storm like this.
Minerva stood at my side as we waited underneath an outside corridor, under the safety of the roof, keeping us dry. The wind, is relentless. Even from here our cloaks are bellowing around us. Minerva's hair would be floating around like mine if it wasn't for the tight and neat bun she has it in.
Even with the deafening rain, I could make out a faint growl, coming from way above us. I glanced up, watching the sky for any sign of movement, trying to spot any of them.
A moment later, a large black blur appears through the darkened clouds. Thunder crashes, making me flinch involuntarily as my nerves heighten. Worried about how they'll find the landing platform.
"You think they're alright Minerva?"
I couldn't help but ask as I tried making out figures in the sky.
"Oh yes. They've trained for this Severus. Look.
Here they come."
Remarks Minerva, pointing out into the darkness. I watch as a large creature lands. Followed by five other, much smaller, but still big dragons.
A figure, which I believe might be y/n, demounts, jumping down from the side of their dragon. I watch curiously as they walk towards the dragons lowered head to stroke their snout. A noise comes from the animals throat, sounding as if it's trying to purr, just like a cat would do when content.
My body turns to face the small gateway, listening to how cheerful Minerva sounds as they approach.
She greets loudly, trying to be heard over the weather.
"Minerva. It's so good to see you."
Replies y/n. I watch as they take each others arms in their grasp. Minerva's body language shows she would love nothing more than to reach in for a hug, but quite literally, y/n is keeping her at arms distance.
Y/n's long platinum blonde hair falls down her back and over the front of their shoulders. The rain has made it form together in small clumps to the leather guard top they wear. As I wait for the two to finish their small reunion I take in the rest of the outfit and the team members who are now forming a small group behind them.
The pants are dark, a deep charcoal or black color, matching the tops they wear. Small metal buckles line the front, starting at the bottom and going up the torso's and stopping at the turtleneck. Around
y/n's waist, sits a holster. Like one would wear if they carried a sword.
The main thing that's entirely different from the last time I saw them, is the patch that sits over their right eye. It's a dark brown, different from the uniforms, creating a nice contrast against the lightness of their hair. Their other eye flashes over to me quickly before refocusing on Minerva.
"Welcome back y/n."
I say quickly, and more in a whisper rather than the confident tone my friend used just moments ago. Their eye flashes to me once again, lingering momentarily before flicking back to what's in front of them.
Back inside, after giving the tamers their instructions, I find myself sitting beside Minerva at the teachers tables at the head of the Great Hall. Faint murmurs can be heard as the rest of the students try to figure out what the occasion is. Guesses are tossed around the room, as well as excited glances. Before the storm hit, most of the student population was outside, watching as the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang kids arrived. Luckily, word hasn't gotten out about the Tournament, which is why everyone is riled up. Curious to the new faces walking among us.
"Settle down everyone."
Began Dumbledore as he approached the golden stand a few feet ahead of us, drawing attention to himself. The hall grew quiet, hundreds of pairs of eyes glued to the older wizard.
"As most of you know, we have some very special guests with us. This is because our school is holding an important event. Some of you may know, while others don't, about the Tri-Wizard Tournament."
The whispers grew louder as the kids who knew of this tournament started to explain what it is.
"Yes, yes, very exciting. Before we continue, I need you all to understand one thing. If you're chosen as a contestant, you stand alone."
He continued.
"Another thing! Due to the nature of this event, nobody under the age of 17 is allowed to enter. Even if you tried, you'll be denied instantly."
The crowd booed, shouted, and disappointed sighs filled the once joy filled room.
"Now students. I want you to welcome the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!"
Spoke the Headmaster, changing the atmosphere of the room rather fast. Everyone turned their heads towards the double doors at the opposite end of the hall.
A second later, the doors flew open and fifteen young ladies entered. Most of the male students would drool if they wouldn't completely embarrass themselves. The entrance they made was subtle, nothing too extravagant. Dumbledore introduced their Headmistress once she entered. After getting them settled, joining the Hufflepuff's at their table, the next round of introductions was beginning.
"Now. Please greet the students of Durmstrang and their Headmaster, Igor Karkaroff."
Once again, all focus is on the doors, which slammed open quite aggressively. Fifteen burley young men came forth. Hitting their canes against the ground, small sparks emitting when they came in contact with the stone beneath them. Surprised reactions started when the young Viktor Krum entered, side by side to their Headmaster. Krum is on the Bulgarian National Quidditch team, one of the best seekers in the world currently. What's more remarkable is that he's gotten this far so young. At only 18 years of age. After their fire breathing presentation, the two Headmasters shared a welcoming hug before getting them settled at the Ravenclaw table.
"Lastly, please share a warm welcome to Y/N and their prominent trainers!"
He extended an arm out, his hand pointing towards the doors. They opened slowly, revealing the small team of eight.
The seven mates entered first, leaving y/n to fall behind them. The hall went the quietest it's been this entire evening, as everyone watched.
As the Slytherin's took in the return of their old classmate, they started cheering. Being so loud, one would think all four houses were cheering.
As y/n approached where Dumbledore stood, he patted them gently on the shoulder before directing them over to the Slytherin's table. I noticed that Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Zabini we're tempted to hop from their spots, further down the table, to welcome back their close friend.
"Since everyone is settled, let me introduce the TriWizard Cup. This is given to the one person who succeeds in the tournament. That brings me back. One student from each school is chosen. Only one."
Gasps could be heard when Dumbledore removed the dark cloth from atop the large silver cup.
The dimmed candlelight shined off the mirrored metal. Making it seem as if it was sparkling.
"Starting next Saturday, the goblet will be ready to start taking names. The ones who are interested in competing, simply write your name on a bit of parchment and drop it into the flames."
He explained, covering the cup again before handing it over to Barty, who came, per request of the Ministry of Magic. Simply for the ones who have any questions.
"Now that all the heavy stuff is out of the way. Dig in to your fantastic feast!"
He proclaimed. The many empty platters sitting in the middle of the tables filled up with different foods. Ranging from turkey and gravy, to chips and mashed potatoes.
Everyone happily dug in. Especially the ones who have traveled great distances to be here. The rest of the evening came and went smoothly. The friendly and extroverted students walked around, greeting the new crowd, while the younger and more introverted kids watched silently.
At the end of dinner, everyone left to head back to their Houses and their chambers. The tamers followed the Slytherin's back to the common room. Dumbledore added an extension, preparing eight extra rooms for them, even though y/n still has their own dorm. He must of done it thinking there would be tension and jealousy if they saw them being treated better than the rest.
From where I now stood, I watched as y/n's long hair flowed down their back as they excited the hall. I hope they have don't have
too tough a time settling back in.
I think to myself as their figure fades away.

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