》A New Singer in Town《

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"Mom!Mom can we please sing together again!" The young girl said as she held onto her mother's blue dress.
"Ofcourse N/N. What song shall we sing tonight?" The girls mother was a kind soul. She was a beautiful and smart woman. She was also known as a famous sing here in the small town they called home. Y/N L/N was a clever little girl. She loved to sing and draw. She had a caring mother and a loving father. As a child Y/N loved to sing with her mother. And her father spend his afternoons training her in fighting. Her parents new that someday they would have to leave their little sunlight alone I  this world. So they new they had to teach her how to survive. She worked hard and was quite the smart young girl. However as she grew up he mother started to become less and less famous. Meaning she would have to sing in small bars rather than the usual fancy casinos. And unfortunately the night she went to Toon Town would be the last night she saw her daughter and husband...

"Momma why do you have to go!"The child wept as she hugged her mother burying her face in her blue dress. The last thing that she saw her mother wear...
"I'm sorry baby. But I have to. I'll be able to get more money for our family and we will be able to see eachother even more than before. I will only be gone a month." To an adult that would seem like a short amount of time compared to how much longer a person could have gone away for. But for a child that was the same as saying she won't be seeing that person for a really long time.

"Do you have to go Rosaline?" Her husband asked. Eager to change his wife's mind. Knowing how dangerous this could actually be...
"I'm sorry Derek.. but I have no choice. We can barely afford to pay our house and Y/N's education anymore. It'll only be a month..."

Sadly this was the last time Derek and Y/N saw her... the last memory Y/N had of her mom.

It was now a few years after her death. Y/N was now 15 years old. As she entered the old home.
"Dad I'm home!" Her cry echoed through the empty house as she took her shoes off.

Looks like dad isn't home... again.

She continued to go into the house as she went into the kichen where her dad usually left his notes saying that he had gone on a different mission. He had started going on more missions since Rosaline's death. Usually staying home only a day before going out risking his life on another mission.

"Sorry love but I had to take another mission. There are leftovers in the fridge I'll see you next week"

The missions he usually picked took less than a week. Which means he either ran out of short missions or some urgent mission came up.

As time passed Y/N had already finished her homework for the week. This let her be able to watch and exersices as much as she wanted. However despite her best efforts at losing weight she always seemed to have a chubby figure no matter how hard she tried. Thankfully it was mostly muscle which allowed her to defend her self better.

It was now the week after. And her father still hadn't returned from his mission. So she decided to go to the station he worked at to check on what was going on. School ended and she immediately went to grab her bicycle. The ride wasn't long having reached the station in only 10 minutes. As she entered the receptionist wmidiatly froze. They had interacted and you could say that they developed a small friendship. However the face she made looked nothing like the face Y/N was usually greeted with. Instead of a happy and caring smile she was greeted by a look of concern and a badly faked smile.

"Afternoon Sheryle!" Y/N said making sure to seem happy not wanting to show she was worried as she approached the desk.
"A-Afternoon Y/N! What brings you here? You don't come here often" she tried to make small talk to not seem suspicious. Not knowing how to tell
Y/N the news.

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