》Getting The Job and a new Pall《

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As you entered the little bar there weren't many people or toons here. Most were just moping around on their tables or talking with other toons around them. You decided to go and sit at the bartenders island as he came up to you. He was sharply dressed. Wearing a white blouse with a bow tie and a short vest. He had long black pants and white gloves. His hear was slit back and he wore glasses on his face.

"What can I get you tonight miss?"
"Y/N. Y/N L/N. I'll take a water please."
The man looked at her. Not a lot of people go to a bar to get water but he assumed this was the first place she had entered ever since coming here based on her backpack.

"Coming right up miss Y/N." He then went to a nearby water can and poured you a glass. Passing it to you as you thanked him with a nod.

"Not many humans come to Toon Town. Mind if I ask why you're here?"
She want hesitant. The bartender seemed like a reasonable man.
"Well mr?"

"Oh my apologise. Call me Moonman"

"Well Moonman. I came here because I heard rent here was cheap. And now I'm looking of a job." She tried not to ramble to much.

"I see. And what do you work if you don't mind me asking miss Y/N?"

"I'm a singer. I have sung in a few small bars in my home town for a few years now."

"Well then I might be able to help you if you're any good at singing. I'm actually thinking of hiring a singer for my bar. So if you would like you can grab the microphone and sing for everyone and then I'll see if your good enough for me to hire you."

The offer seemed like it was sent from above. You got up leaving your bag on the chair under the watchful eye of Moonman as you go up to the microphone. Giving it a quick test and looking at the song list picking one of the swing options. Everyone seemed to turn to you as you told the band what to play.

As the music started everything seemed to go away. It was only you and the music in the background. As you opened your mouth a beautiful and lively melody came out. All you could feel was joy that singing gave you. The feeling that your mother and father were both there looking at their daughter and seeing just how much she has grown.

Then the song finished as you sung the final verse. And everyone applauded. The bar seemed livelier now. People were sitting and talking happily while others were now enjoying the music that was provided by the bad as you said your thank you's for the toons listening to you.

You got off the stage saying a quick thank you to the band as you made your way back to Moonman.

"Golly! You were amazing!" The look in his eyes was that of excitement and joy as he looked at you.

"Thank you Moonman" Your cheery tone made it easy to see just how much you enjoyed singing.

"Do I get the job then?" There was excitement in your voice as you looked at the bartender's mellow smile.

"Yes. Yes you do! Would you be able to come every night like this?"

"Yes. I'll be here every night. Thank you boss!" And just like that you were hired in Moonman's bar.

"Please Y/N. Moonman is just fine."

As the night grew young you decided to head to the hotel and get some rest. You entered the room leaving your bag against the vanity and went into the shower. The warm water giving you comfort from the long journey.

You got yourself dried and ready for bed. As the covers draped over your body, your eyes became heavy and you fell asleep.

The next morning

The Drew Mob (Benicio x F!reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora