-800 years later-

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            I was walking through a forest in the north when I heard people talking about brides going missing when trying to pass through the forest. Snowflakes swirling around me in worry about all these people going missing had me a little worried about what was happening in the forest. I had decided it would be best to avoid that side of the forest for now. I calmed my breathing and nerves, controlling the snowflakes floating around me, making them a little less noticeable than before, I headed into the small village and ordered some tea. Calmly drinking my tea, hearing someone enter the little shop I took a peak and saw them wearing a bamboo hat with a white kimono. A little after that, I noticed a shimmering silverish butterfly in front of me, it was as if it was watching me. Like it was trying to decide if I was something to be warry of. I looked around to make sure no one was looking then turned my attention to the butterfly, making small snowflakes fall around it. It seemed a little startled about the random snowflakes appearing by the fluttering of its wings. I giggled slightly and held my hand out, it was hesitant but eventually perched on my hand. I smiled and made some more small snowflakes appear around the beautiful creature, unaware of the eyes from a different table watching me.

3rd POV

          Xie Lian watched the woman at the table opposite from him 'play' with the butterfly. He could swear he would, every once in a while, see some shimmers appear and then disappear around the said creature but he thought he could be possibly imagining things. No human could make things like that. Though he was entranced by said beauty, the way her hair seemed to shine like fresh snow, her stormy blue eyes, pale complexion, and so many more things about her were intriguing. He noticed that the butterfly seemed just as intrigued with her as he was. Xie Lian noticed her picking up what he assumed were her belongings and heading into the forest with the butterfly following her, he was going to follow her but was suddenly caught off guard by a message from Xiao-Ying telling him that some junior gods that were available were already at his location ready to help them. Though when he looked at them, he noticed that it felt as if they wanted to behead him more than help him. Though he did make sure they were doing this willingly, their attitudes didn't make him really feel better, especially with them fighting pretty much every second.

            Meanwhile, Bai Ling was walking through the forest with the butterfly still following her. Though she noticed that as soon as she got into the forest and let the normal amount of snowflakes fall as they usually do, the butterfly seemed to stutter in its flying. She let the creature fly around her, as if looking her up from head to toe, it stayed a little longer at her feet seeing the ice on the ground that wasn't there before. The snow woman crouched down just a little and held out her hand, the creature landing softly on her hand, "This is normal for me," Bai Ling said. "Sorry if it startled you. I don't tend to have traveling companions or anything so it's a little hard to control." Bai Ling smiled at the creature, "I've been like this for about 800 years now. I usually stick to forests unless I need to get out to grab something I really need. Which isn't very often." Bai Ling said to the small creature. "Though you are just about as unusual as I it seems," Bai Ling giggled. "Though you are a silver butterfly, it seems you are the only of your kind or at least from what I've seen." Bai Ling looked at the ground she was staring at and focused on a certain spot, and after what seemed like seconds, there started growing a beautiful flower made of ice. It didn't seem like anything you could find anywhere, no it seemed as if it was its own breed of flower. Bai Ling smiled, "These flowers started blooming around me about maybe 700 years ago after I woke up in my state. From what I can remember, I've always had my hair color but I believe that I had a light brown color for eyes, not the blue that I have now. I can't seem to remember too much but I do remember waking up and the kingdom that I once lived in had fallen to ruin. People seemed to be disfigured with bumps all over their faces or burns from the fires that still raged during the destruction of while I was asleep. Or, sometimes I found people with items in their bodies. Sometimes I found all three items in the bodies, bumps on people, and burns on their faces. I don't know what happened while I was asleep during that period but it seemed as if some people tried to wake me up but were unsuccessful. There would be some people who were near me that had ice on their hands and some of those people had blue lips." Bai Ling looked at her hands, small shimmers of snowflakes seemed to float up from her hands. "I can't remember what I was doing but I was outside of the gates but the town seemed as if it was celebrating something when everything came crashing down. Then it seemed that I awoke after everything took place." Bai Ling had a frown on her face. After a short while, the butterfly came and sat on her hands laying flat against them. She smiled and made a(n) ice replica of the butterfly. "Thank you for staying with me for a little while. Though I do believe that it is time for you to return to where you came from, yes?" The butterfly perked up and flew up and down then disappeared. Bai Ling smiled, "Goodbye little friend." She then got up and started walking. 

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